In the second year since medical marijuana in california had been legalized and been in effect, almost a billion dollars in sales tax revenue generated in our state came from the general sales tax that applies to all medical marijuana sales in our state... and that's not taking into consideration dispenceries that probabley don't pay any or near all the sales tax they should of paid to the state. Thats a lot of money for only the GI sales tax this state has on all goods, and this is only for those of us individuals that have seen a doctor and gotten a perscription for the stuff.
I think prop 19 didn't pass because those that are onthe fence on the issue weren't happy with how it was worded. Now, we propose something on the ballots in a couple more years that is a gradual (and not instant) legalization of marijuana over a couple year period and has things better structured for it, I think we could be very close to legalizing it in this state. As things were, if prop 19 did pass, the feds would of at the very least stepped in to have us better spell out the legislation until it got enacted, if they didn't brick wall it completely.