haha I doubt that. "No B-29 for a while.", is my guess.
Maybe, just maybe, we will get Rail Yards? More stuff to bomb in general? It's either that or the Remodel of a few planes. It COULD be a surprise addition, like how the P-47M was added. One can only guess what it would be. Though I would hope it was a bomber personally, I wouldn't complain if it was a fighter and/or ground vehicle. I just wonder if they will release for Titanic Tuesday, or will they release after? Lots of suspense here.
If they go the Remodel route, what planes are in the most dire of spots for it?
My guesses base off of what I gathered here are:
Both Zero's
Both P-40's
Kate and Val
From what I've gathered, the B-26 we have is the exact one that was released way back when. I THINK I saw someone mention that the Zero's got a one over a way's back, but those of you who have been here since they were added would be able to say otherwise. I know I am missing planes that NEED to be remodeled, so if you could kindly post them...
Planes I would like to see remodeled are:
All bombers with the exception of the B-25's and Mossy 16. The B-25's look beautiful and I would kill to see the B-17 modeled as well, if not better. Would probably have to touch up the B-25's though.
For surprise additions, oh boy...One can only speculate.
I am thinking something Early War or Early War/Mid War. Maybe something Italian or Russian, possibly British.