Author Topic: System TOTALLY weirded out!  (Read 268 times)

Offline eddiek

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System TOTALLY weirded out!
« on: April 22, 2001, 10:50:00 AM »

The system went kinda haywire on me after I installed a CH Gamecard 3 and a US Robotics 56K Faxmodem PCI.  I finally got the Logisuck Wingman Extreme Digital 3D stick to work with the TM Elite rudder pedals......then I noticed little things going wrong.
Everytime I tried to start up AH, it crashed (the AH program, not the system).  After a little while, never a set amount of time, the mouse pointer would stop moving when I moved the mouse, but moving the actual mouse itself highlighted things like it was still working.  Reinstalled the drivers, to no avail.
Decided to download AH again and reinstall it.......the download would be going good, then the mouse would pull it's act, the download would stop, and I would sit there looking like a monkey doing a math problem, trying to figure it out.
So........I wiped the hard drive and did a complete reinstall of Win98......looks good so far, I thought.
Left the gamecard out, thinking it might be causing conflicts.  
Went to the HTC website, started a download.........five minutes into it, the screen goes blank, the "power on" light starts flashing, just like it does when the puter is off but the monitor is left on.  The system, to all appearances, is still going, the fans are humming, etc, but no signal or whatever to the monitor.
Any of you ever experience anything even remotely like this?
I am thinking maybe the mobo is defective, or the CPU is overheating, or something of that nature.  The CPU cooling fan is still running, but I do not have the system monitor on this mobo to tell me what the temp is exactly.  The mobo is a Shuttle HOT-661 ( I know what your thinking, but it's what the guy that built it for me put in it.)
Personally, I am tired of fighting with it.  I am leaning more and more towards just giving up on this and building another system.
Still have the mouse issue, but now things are actually worse.  
Thoughts anyone?