Author Topic: Local area connection???  (Read 328 times)

Offline SPKmes

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Local area connection???
« on: December 27, 2010, 04:04:49 PM »
I doesn't seem to be an issue...just more of a curiosity...My status is always at  acquiring network connection....yet I have a connection...can play online with no issues (at least I don't think any issues from this)..... Why would this can go on for days

Offline ImADot

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Re: Local area connection???
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2010, 09:14:33 AM »
Do you have both wired and wireless on your computer?  Maybe one or the other is trying to pull an IP from your router.  Is you router set for local DHCP?  Perhaps assign a static IP from your router to your computer...

What do you see when you type "ipconfig /all" from a command prompt?
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Offline Tigger29

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Re: Local area connection???
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2010, 12:06:38 PM »
I had a similar issue with XP awhile back with my wireless... about 20% of the time if you hovered over the network icon (bottom right corner) it would say "acquiring network connection" even though it was working just fine.

Right clicking on the icon and selecting "repair network connection" would fix it until the next reboot, in which it had about a 20% chance of happening again.  This was with an el-cheapo PCI wireless card, and letting "Windows manage my network connections" (AKA Zero Wireless Configuration Service being enabled).

I still think it was simply poorly written drivers.

After I upgraded to Win7, I never had that problem again.