You have this now with towns. The hedgrows that force you to drive on the roads. If you create a Ft. Apache out of the Vbases with paremiter obsticals then it will make lancstuka carpet bombing the logical solution with you trapped inside. Or, you will give a long range tiger sniper a choke point to camp because the Ft. Apach base obsticles funnel you to proscribed exit points before leaving the base area to kill the camping tiger.
Imagine the town with all of the buildings removed and your Vbase in the center with the roads and hedge rows intact. Then image a tiger on a ridge 500 feet above the town where you have to drive down those roads to get free of your obsticles. Or imagine the exit road campers on a flatter terrain who spawn in from two enemy feilds.
On the other hand it would make mobile artillery or self propelled howtzers popular to seige the Ft. Apache Vbases. But, only if you can convince the vTards there is now honor in using 6 lanc boxes to solve the issue in 30 seconds.
Hmmmmmm, since we do have 3 air base sizes. A Ft. Apache sized Vbase might not be a bad thing for the attackers.....