Author Topic: More about perking ...  (Read 3541 times)

Offline 2Late4U

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« Reply #30 on: September 09, 2001, 04:38:00 PM »
The perk system will mature into a wonderful way to make Aces High even more fun to play.  As it stands now, the only effective perk has been the C-Hog, and thats because it isnt too expensive so you can fly it often, but its not so cheap as to make it a "fly every sorte" kind of plane.

One big issue (and keep in mind Im a fan of the perk system), is you should not perk regular arena planes, unless they have non-perked variants.  Making the Typhoon perked is fine, because it came that way, perking the C-Hog is fine, because the D-hog remains a viable alternative, perking the n1k is not a viable option unless a non perked variant is made.  It doesnt help that the number of Japanese planes is lacking as it is.

I just want some perk tanks....that way my Il2 has something to do  ;)

Offline moose

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« Reply #31 on: September 09, 2001, 06:30:00 PM »
I think that HTC is steering this ship, and if they want the perk system there's not much we can do.

I dont mind it anyway

Offline Midnight

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« Reply #32 on: September 09, 2001, 10:21:00 PM »
I think this has been mentioned before, but maybe a new twist might help it out some.

Someone mentioned that all new players should get an advance on perk points when they first open their account, so that they have the ability to fly whatever they want (until they get them all shot up)

Another said, how about resetting the perk points for all players at the beginning of each new TOD.

What about giving everyone a certain number of free perk points at the begining of each TOD? Then maybe there would be no more whining about certain select players being the only ones who can afford the perk planes.

Personnaly, I think that if we saw more perk planes flying around, we might see less HOs and other suicide tactics so commonly seen in the MA.

I agree that newbies and other in-experienced pilots should not be restricted from flying what ever plane they want, no one should be. However, I do agree that there should be a limit on how many you can fly, if you choose to fly them foolishly, or without any regard for trying to survive a fight in favor of just furballing 1-vs-20, knowing you will be shot down.

Offline Booky

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« Reply #33 on: September 09, 2001, 11:35:00 PM »
Whoever complaines about the Perk system is just showing that they have no skill   :p   I can lose all my points today and still fly a TEMP tomarrow. It isn't that hard to go out, grab a Spit V and get some points. I can bring in about 20 points every 30 min with a Spit V easy. Now if you fly the 109F4 you can bring them in eve quicker, providing you can fly a dam lopsided aircraft that those germans made.   :D   Anyway, quit your dam whining and go kill some planes with somehting other than you dweeb la7, niki, spit IX and you will see how fast the points add up.  :mad:

Offline Bullethead

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« Reply #34 on: September 10, 2001, 12:15:00 AM »
The perk system IMHO is far and away better than the alternatives tried by AW (which tried nothing) and WB (which tried a highly-skewed RPS).  It ain't perfect, but that's fixable.  I would like to see how perks are determined, and their price, modified, and the scope of the whole system expanded.

The purpose of the perk system is IMHO to keep certain planes (that HTC probably shouldn't have put in the game in the first place  :D) from dominating the arena so much that hardly anything else gets flown.  The idea is to preserve game balance and the variety of aircraft match-ups in the arena more than it is to reward those who do well.

The planes to perk, therefore, should be planes that can do everything well in air-to-air combat.  Planes that have high speed and good turn performance.  These currently get used a lot because of these abilities, upsetting the balance struck by planes more specialized for one or the other.  Take these planes out of the picture and the other, more specialized, planes will see greater use.

So, if a stallfighter is as fast or faster than most E-fighters, perk the Hell out of it.  If an E-fighter can turn with the best stallfighters over a tactically significant speed range, perk the Hell out of it.  If a stallfighter is only a bit faster than most of its ilk but still slower than most E-fighters, perk it a little.  Also give little perks to E-fighters that are either overly fast with no other advantages, or are one of the best on average AND have some significant advantage in another area.

Offline Hajo

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« Reply #35 on: September 10, 2001, 05:38:00 AM »
Again...just my humble opinion.

To put it bluntly I don't feel that any plane in the AH inventory should be perked.  I have a lot of perks, if anyone wants them they can have them.  I don't see a wide gap in the inventory as it is.

Each craft brings something to the table. Use what your craft gives you, don't ask it to do something it can't and you'll do well.
SA is contributing factor to most deaths by any aircraft.  Put yourself in a bad place, and a Spad can shoot you down.  It's a combination of the pilot, knowing his craft, and the strengths and weaknesses of the craft he is fighting.  No more, no less.

However, when the 262 becomes available it should be perked steeply imho for the simple fact it is of the next generation of aircraft.

Again, just mho

[ 09-10-2001: Message edited by: Hajo ]
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Offline lazs1

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« Reply #36 on: September 10, 2001, 08:15:00 AM »
I have around 2000 perk points and have no trouble earning more.   That is not the point.    just as I do not like avoiding far superior planes in the arena that tend to spoil good fites.... I also have no interest in beating up other players in an untouchable plane.   I have used up a bunch of perks flying the Chog against the other cannon monsters like the nik lag and spit when the new guys first came on so that when I killed a plane the 6 guys chasing it's wingless carcas down to the ground didn't get the kill... but.. I thought it was funny that if I ran out of fuel or just got bored and ditched or augered with no damage I lost points?   Arguably... The Chog is not a superior plane in any way except for haveintg guns that are as good as two ior three of the best planes and should never been perked at all based on ability... but..  many planes are being introduced that are far superior to  the non perked rides and I cannot understand what kind of a lameo coward would even want to fly em against the other planes.

The other very real problem is that early war planes will allways be useless if we continue with the present system.   I would love for someone to explain how early war planes can be used in a fair way in the current system.

Offline qqqqq

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« Reply #37 on: September 10, 2001, 08:27:00 AM »
they should perk all planes not to keep them from being overused or anything like that but to discourage suicide attacks and bolster cooperative buff missions and that sort of thing

Offline Karnak

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« Reply #38 on: September 10, 2001, 08:37:00 AM »

If everything is perked, how, praytell, will people who aren't good at the game manage to fly anything?

Not a very good flight sim without aircraft and not a business long for the world without customers.
Petals floating by,
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             As she remembers me-

Offline qqqqq

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« Reply #39 on: September 10, 2001, 09:09:00 AM »
start people off with a cetain number of perk points about 100, make all planes cost the same amount not huge number like 70 or so just about 10 to 20.  only award perk points if u make it back to base or ditch bail in friendly territory.  give extra points for landing the plane at base.  Allow players to get perk points from gunning in bombers, vehicles, ships, and shore batteries.  this way  people who arent good at the game still will always have a way of getting points.  Also points should be reset or cut in half at each reset to prevent people from getting a point advantage.  I think this model would encourage teamplay and help reduce suicide attacks,  and it would wouldnt hinder people who arent good at the game.  I also think in they should increase flak effectiveness, and in addition to the 37mm ack at airfield they should add a about 4 to 6 single 50 cal. mounts.  This would help reduce one person taking airfield which is very easily to do, especially once the vh goes down.  Also it would encourage more coordinated multi buff missions and add more of a strategic element to the game.

Offline lazs1

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« Reply #40 on: September 10, 2001, 02:41:00 PM »
q... encouraging cooperative buff missions in the ma is a bad thing in my opinion.   adding a penalty for fiting till you die is a bad thing in my opinion in the ma.   encouraging such behavior will just create a huge arena of hide and seek with less action.  scenarios and CT are good arenas for such timid behavior.

in a real war it was smart and your duty... in a flight sim it is merely timid and anal.

Offline qqqqq

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« Reply #41 on: September 10, 2001, 02:50:00 PM »
timid... hmm... nah.. but i wouldnt mind an arena for more strategic play.  all this deathmatch style stuff is annoying.  i play ah because i dont like mindless quake style stuff, but the ma is often just that

Offline Paxil

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« Reply #42 on: September 10, 2001, 05:08:00 PM »
I like the perk system. I think some planes are WAY overpriced... and actually, I think I have only flown a perk plane once... and that was before you could even buy planes. (Though points were being totaled) I think some of the planes are over priced because there are people with thousands of perkies most from the days of perk glory when you could get 10 just for sneezing. (OK... that isn't too fair... there are some awesome pilots out there.. but there was a time everyone was collecting perks and didn't have any planes to spend them on) I think HTC was hoping people would spend them so they could lower the # of perkies required for certain planes... but unfortunately, no one is spending them. I think it would be reasonable to fly a F4U-1C on every fifth mission or so (not me of course  ;) )... other perk planes a little less frequently. N1K1 will be fixed and doesn't need to be perked... but if you want to ad P51 and N1K1 for a few perks its fine with me. One way I think the system could be fixed is to zero out all PP's and assigning appropriate values. HOWEVER, It would be interesting to see how the pilots with thousands of perkies (who say they mean nothing and don't use them) would react. Anyway... HTC has always seems to have a pretty keen knack of balancing game play issues and I expect this will continue.

Offline Hristo

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« Reply #43 on: September 10, 2001, 05:31:00 PM »
Dynamic perk system, maybe ?

Offline stomper3

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« Reply #44 on: September 10, 2001, 06:26:00 PM »
Me hopes HTC makes a 4x12.7mm N1K2, that`ll see the same usage as the P51B...then perk the toejame outta Cannon Bird NIKI...  :D

Obviously, make a perk (or non-perked)version of the most common planes, i.e like P51, NIKI, Spit, and so on, make use of some lesser seen planes

/stomp out/