Author Topic: Hilarious contest for altitude followed by CV landing antics in ME163s  (Read 368 times)

Offline killb8

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My squaddies and I were in the training arena when Flifast issued the challenge to see who could obtain the most altitute in a ME163 from sealevel. To make things more interesting we had to decend undamaged to a nearby Carrier deck. After winning with 83,650ft(@5:10 I call my speed out at 80mph indicated 400true!) and dive recovery(not a simple task in the least)I was feeling a little cocky and promised them a head-on touch & go of the carrier deck. Actually I told them I was going to drop skid and "tea bag" everyone on the runway headon. They didnt like the sound of that so they start to unload on me with puff ak! A very funny ending!

Offline mthrockmor

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I've got the alt beat but no CV landing or film to prove it, though I did land at a field. I guess I need film to keep the record. Challenge is on.

No poor dumb bastard wins a war by dying for his country, he wins by making the other poor, dumb, bastard die for his.
George "Blood n Guts" Patton