I am happy as all heck with this is nice and comfy and I have alot of room for my long legs to get under it with the controllers.
BTW how is your build coming along??? I would love to see some pics of the rig.
LawnDart aka Feralpig
space is an issue (barely enough room on my desk for my monitor, Phanotm and X52
I dont have a digital camera, and i havent yet played with my DROID uploading photos to Photobucket. Provided I Can get my way I will have a lot more room by the end of school... but im not crossing my fingers. money is tight for materials, and due to recent issues in the house (involving my brother and mom) I plan on moving out as soon as i can afford an apartment or a friend gets one. I have been wanting to get pictures up since i first put it together in April or May, but its hard to find time when there is no time.
I have nothign amazing in my build other then the case (for now.) in the future i plan on adding much more and making my case and fans worth my money other then to say i have it
everything is dependent on the next few months though, if i can find the time to figure out a neater space on my desk for my case, monitor and X52 i will deffinitly work on getting pics up.
It's designing and building custom things like this that make woodworking so challenging and fun. It actually relaxes me.
im in the same boat. my dad has all the tools, but not much space. My shop has all the tools, but space is also limited at school...and being the most talented in the class im stuck doing the odd jobs for teachers. its relaxing though making something that takes a few weeks though and seeing the end product.