Looks like I missed this boat, and from what I hear the decision has been made.
Most of what I would have to say on the matter has been said.
Doing this does not guaranty better attendance, but it does almost guaranty that a percentage is not going to be able to attend, at least not as much. Such is the case with me.
FSO a couple of years ago was seeing 500+ for almost a year, and that was with the current start time it has had since TOD days. (Tour Of Duty)
Those numbers have not dropped because of the start time, just as they did not go up because of the start time.
From what I see changing is going to make 60% happier, But 40% may not be able to attend. Thing is, that 60% is already attending. 10pm ET is just "better" for them, but they have been doing 11pm for years, so they can do 11pm. so if they can do 11pm, why switch to 10? so we can make them more comfortable? So 60% is more comfortable, but 40% runs the risk of loosing the ability to attend at all?
How does that make sense?
This is not normally considered a "Family activity" (although some fathers and son's, mother and daughters do play) As a rule for most of us this is something we do as our "me" time on Friday night. and in a way isn't that better to be later in the evening? After kids are in bed? Most FSO players do not have to get up early on Sat morning. However quite a few work till 5-6-7 pm on a Friday night, finishing up work for the weekend.
So yes being as the majority of the American population is on the east coast, then 9 and 10 PM is much better, but on the west, 8-7-6-5pm (don't forget poor Hawaii) may not be.
So in the end is this going to make FSO numbers go up or down? In the long term, hard to say. My guess is after 2-3 years of 10pm ET, the numbers for FSO will probably be about the same, with a higher percentage of players being in the central and east time zones, and low percentage in mt, pacific, Alaska, and Hawaii.