Author Topic: Come join the Victors(AXIS) of the upcoming SEC battle in Dec  (Read 196 times)

Offline noTch

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Come join the Victors(AXIS) of the upcoming SEC battle in Dec
« on: November 28, 2011, 01:46:51 PM »
Aufmerksamkeit Damen und Herren(Attention Ladies and Gentlemen) uff ze Luftwaffe. It is I, GeneralFeldMarschall Notch Kesselring. I vant to congratulate all uff ze tapferen piloten(brave pilots) who vill be freiwilligenarbeit(volunteering) to repel ze brash invasion of ze feeble allied at Anzio   Yes, ve do know uff zhis ill-conceived, poorly planned,,,,how do ze Americans zay it,,,,aw, bone head play :lol  Our intelligence branch has uncoded und figured out ze whole operation!!!!!!  

Your leaders, ME, have figured out ze best und boldest vay to deal vith zhis incursion on our brethren's territory und ultimately on ze Fatherland!  Ve vill crush zhis attempt to squelch voice uff a nation to cry havoc und ve vill release ze hounds of war upon zhem :rock

Zo now it is up to every red-blooded, blond haired, blue eyed AXIS kampfer(fighter) und bomber piloten to do zheir duty :airplane:
Pleaz, zign up now for your namen in der geschichte beiträge werden(name to be in the history posts) :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

Let your GeneralFeldMarschall know vhat you are most deadly in. Tell ze weak British und American allied scum vhat weapon you German und Italian experten shall use to dispose uff zhem vith in zhis silly skermish :airplane: Tell zhem of the  :ahand you are about dish out to zhese Allied scum with honor und courage as never zeen before by ze vorld.  Be in ze größte schlacht immer(greatest battle ever)


8pm in the UK, 9pm in France/Germany, 10pm in Finland/Estonia and 3pm EST

Dec 4th
Dec 11th
Dec 18th

Halterungen(mounts) to choose from:
I. /JG77 - C205(Italiano favs)
I. /JG2   - BF109G-6(Kampfer Boys)
I. /SG4  - Fw190A-5(Butchering Birds)
I. /KG30 - JU88A-4(Ze Fish Killers)
« Last Edit: November 28, 2011, 01:50:36 PM by noTch »
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