Author Topic: Chat suspension  (Read 470 times)

Offline Strikahr

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Chat suspension
« on: January 01, 2012, 11:03:10 AM »
Happy new year to all!

Christmas eve, I was playing the game, lost a tempest to some bish buffs and said some things on 200 I shouldn't have. Fact of the matter is, I was enjoying a little too much eggnog and rum that night and was a bit drunk.  I agree the suspension was in order, but for a week? I have more then learned my lesson, but like I said, I was a bit drunk. Who hasn't said things they regret when they are drunk?  I have emailed the support people about this and got no reply. So this post is my desperate attempt to contact a mod that can find it in his heart to lift my chat suspension.

Until then, happy hunting, and see ya in the skies gents <S>

Very respectfully,


Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Chat suspension
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2012, 11:05:49 AM »
Only HTC can lift a bane, not a mod. You did the crime, you do the time. Being drunk isn't excuse. Rule broke, you get the punishment any one would get.

Take it like a man.

Offline PAPY

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Re: Chat suspension
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2012, 04:12:48 PM »
I too, have a little... "issue"  with chat. Now, I am not beating dead horse here across different posts, but i have a question. Were you given some sort of notice? Some message in the game? An email? or was what you said just so awful, we dare not repeat, and your text chat just ceased to work then and there?  I am wondering, because I don't seem to remember anything i said which would have earned a text chat suspension.

And good luck with your reissuance of privlage. :bolt:

Offline DaCoon

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Re: Chat suspension
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2012, 04:32:58 PM »
While pm-ing a squaddie in game once upon a time I typed a cuss word and got a text box warning about profanity but no suspension.   After that we only text chat with each other on red squad text as Skuzzy has said that is the only true un-modded chat.
AKDaCoon of the Arabian Knights

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Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Chat suspension
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2012, 06:20:59 PM »
I too, have a little... "issue"  with chat. Now, I am not beating dead horse here across different posts, but i have a question. Were you given some sort of notice? Some message in the game? An email? or was what you said just so awful, we dare not repeat, and your text chat just ceased to work then and there?  I am wondering, because I don't seem to remember anything i said which would have earned a text chat suspension.

And good luck with your reissuance of privlage. :bolt:

I believe you get a system message that your chat has been suspended. If there was a lot of chatter, or you were busy cussing up a storm  :devil you may not have seen it go by.

Offline Tigger29

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Re: Chat suspension
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2012, 04:46:46 PM »
Keep in mind the HTC staff has been out of the office due to the holidays.  I think tomorrow starts up "business as usual".  They aren't going to take time away from their families to investigate chat bans - at least I know I wouldn't.

Offline fuzeman

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Re: Chat suspension
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2012, 06:35:22 PM »
Remember we have a few different methods to earn this punishment.
[1] Online if you try to type something that the BWF wont allow you get a system pop warning you not to do it again. BWF = bad word filter.
[2] Online if your actions, I assume typing or chatting on a public channel, and a #-ed channel a squad likes to think of as its own is still public, you will get a message from a moderator and sanctioned.
[3] Online if you cross a line and enough of the community reports you, you will get a punishment. I do not believe this one gives you a warning. If you think the reports are false you can contact HTC and possibly have this one lifted. If this method is abused the abusers usually get sanctioned.
[4] Players submit videos along with a report that you were swearing, abusive, etc they will sanction you for a week. This is from HTC and 100.1% of the time they KNOW what they are doing.

These are just the 4 I can think of off the crevices of my gray matter.
Far too many, if not most, people on this Board post just to say something opposed to posting when they have something to say.

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Offline Skuzzy

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Re: Chat suspension
« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2012, 06:05:04 AM »
Keep in mind the HTC staff has been out of the office due to the holidays.  I think tomorrow starts up "business as usual".  They aren't going to take time away from their families to investigate chat bans - at least I know I wouldn't.

We can only look into these things when at the office.  No offsite access is allowed.
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese

Offline Bizman

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Re: Chat suspension
« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2012, 01:29:02 PM »
I have more then learned my lesson, but like I said, I was a bit drunk. Who hasn't said things they regret when they are drunk? 

Again after the holidays there were sad news in the papers. One student stabbed his neighbour, but he was drunk, so that doesn't count. An ex-husband lit up her ex-wife's firewood storage and was aggressive towards the arresting police, but he was drunk, too. They probably regret what they've done, too.
Quote from: BaldEagl, applies to myself, too
I've got an older system by today's standards that still runs the game well by my standards.
