Author Topic: NO ICON EVENT ~ OPERATION JUBILEE ~  (Read 474 times)

Offline dhyran

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      • ~<<~Loose Deuce~>>~
« on: February 08, 2012, 02:56:21 AM »

Event is open for everyone, welcome!

Start time 8:00pm UK, 21:00 CET, 10:00pm EET, 3:00pm EST

February 12th, Frame 1 06.00-09.30  bellybutton ault
• February 19th, Frame 2 09.30-11.30 The Battle ashore.
• February 26th, Frame 3 11.30-14.00 Withdrawal

DIEPPE - AUG 19 1942

Operation Jubilee,

the Dieppe Raid was very costly for Canadian forces but valuable lessons were learned in planning future operations, especially D-Day.

1942 was the worst year of the war for the Allies.
Great Britain could not boast a single victory in the field.
British and Commonwealth troops in North Africa were being
contained and driven back by the Africa Corps. In the Far
East the Japanese were dismembering and occupying
substantial parts of the former British Empire.
The Americans were still feeling the after effects
of their material losses at Pearl Harbour and struggling
to maintain what was left of their Philippine Army and
the Russians were being steadily pushed back as Hitler
developed his thrust into the Caucusus. The immediate
outlook was bleak.
It was against this menacing background that the Dieppe
raid was planned and executed.

As the troops landed the RAF went into action but the
results of the initial ground attacks were disappointing
with few weapon positions on the headlands being knocked
out and neither battery seriously affected, although the
smoke laid by the bombers did give a measure of protection
to the assault forces while it lasted. The early missions
encountered no German aircraft a there was light mist over
the German airfields but as the day wore on increasing
numbers of German Bf109 and Fw190 fighters began to
make their presence felt all over the area.
JG 2 was in intensive action during the operation,
flying 430 operations, losing 14 aircraft
(8 pilots killed) and claiming 59 Allied aircraft shot down

We will model the operation in near real time.

Frame 1 06.00-09.30 Assault

Frame 1:

Bishops, 60% of participants

Planes available:
A14 A16
- P51b Spit 5 Spit 9 Hurrie II Thypoon

A2 A19
- Bosten LANC (substitue for Blenheims)

-Primery target: Bomb A37

-Secondary target: Defend the Fleet close to A37


Knights, 40% of participants

- 109F4 109G2 190A5

-Primery target: Defend A37 at all costs

-Available bases A39, A41, BF109F4 BF 109G2
 A33 A36 190A5

Arena Settings
Terrains: BOB09
Event start, game time: 5:50
Time multiplier: 1.0
Icons: Icon range : friendly 3K and enemy none
Fuel Multiplier: 1.0
Radar: Axis - tower radar range 65000, dar bar range 150000 (about one full sector), 2min update rate
       Allies - Tower radar range 65000, 2min update rate
Killshooter: Off.
Friendly collisions: Off.
Kill messages: Off.
Auto Ack strength: 0.25
Default downtimes.
DeathMaxCount: 2
DeathTimeMin: 120
2 lives for every player.

design and hosting By

Frame 2 09.30-11.30 The Battle ashore.
Frame 3 11.30-14.00 Withdrawal

dhyran  - retired  CO  ~<<~Loose Deuce~>>~