Author Topic: my god... another resident evil game...  (Read 513 times)

Offline titanic3

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Re: my god... another resident evil game...
« Reply #15 on: April 18, 2012, 02:13:15 PM »
Lets face it, Call of duty has come a long way from its roots, personally i dont like it,nor do many people that played it from the beginning. the only thing that keeps them in money are the squeakers that want to kill something, and thats whats wrong with youth today IMHO. theres no such thing as outside or work anymore it seems

Hence my quote, a lot of the original CoD players felt that anything past World at War was turning into a primarily console based game, and I agree. But they're still a hugely successful franchise.

Total War
The Sims

  the game is concentrated on combat, not on shaking the screen.


Offline 321BAR

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Re: my god... another resident evil game...
« Reply #16 on: April 18, 2012, 11:55:48 PM »
id like to think assassins creed is sticking in there quite good
i DID say rarely...

Assassin Creed
BattlefieldCall of Duty (whether you like it or not, they're still making tons of money)
Mass Effect
cash makers do not mean good games of a series <S>

Hence my quote, a lot of the original CoD players felt that anything past World at War was turning into a primarily console based game, and I agree. But they're still a hugely successful franchise.

Total War

The Sims

yes :aok
I am in need of a new epic quote
Happy Jack's Go Buggy

Offline MaSonZ

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Re: my god... another resident evil game...
« Reply #17 on: April 19, 2012, 12:53:26 PM »
Assassin Creed
Call of Duty (whether you like it or not, they're still making tons of money)
Mass Effect

Assassins Creed is a good far. still many many ways they could go wrong.
Battlefield is probably one of, if not that best, big name titles for FPS'. Normal human speed actions (like knifing), no perks to make you "L33TT!!!!!!", and bullet drop. what else could one want in a FPS?
CoD is a waste of money. Wasnt bad for 4, W@W, and MW2 wasnt bad for a couple months...same weith Black Ops, but the games are getting monotous now. nothing new in them for the vast majority.

Me? I prefer my borderlands, skyrim and BF3. Borderlands and Skyrim have suh an endless list of things to do, BF3 is a release from the regular bs FPS games. Plus, how many games give you a free environment to roam like Skyrim and Borderlands, or make things more interactive (like hand to hand combat) in BF3?

Treyarch/Infinity Ward more then likely wont be getting anymore money from me. I have played MW3 once, and even after a 6 month break from ALL FPS, it was the worst thing I could imagine playing. and to think I was so close to buying it for PC and wasting my money......
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