Author Topic: Mediterranean Maelstrom Event Write Up  (Read 989 times)

Offline ROC

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Mediterranean Maelstrom Event Write Up
« on: January 26, 2013, 09:33:51 PM »
Malta, a 95 square mile island south of Sicily in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea.

Fought over for centuries, the outbreak of the desert campaign in North Africa in 1940 found the island astride the Axis supply lines from mainland Europe to Africa. Malta was the center of some of the fiercest air battles of World War II. Savage sea battles were fought on the approaches to the island as desperate attempts to resupply the island were launched. The summer of 1942 was the peak of the battle for Malta. The whole Mediterranean theater hinged on the outcome. Join us for savage air battles and desperate sea battles. Fly for the Allies in the Spitfire V, Seafire, Martlet (F4F) and SeaHurricane IB. Or fly for the Axis as they strike Malta with their Bf-109Fs, C.202s, Ju-88A4s, Ju-87Ds and Me-110Cs. A powerful vortex is forming drawing in men and machines from all over the Mediterranean towards a small rocky island which is destined to go down in history. Join us for Mediterranean Maelstrom!

This event is based on a period specific event from WWII.  The outcome of the actual battle is known, the make up of the sides are documented.  In order to balance the event, liberties have been taken that are generally historical in nature but diverge from the exact conditions of the time. 

Registration will be open shortly.  The Side CO's are currently recruiting players to their teams, and the forums are open.  Each side CO has previewed and commented on the writeup, participated in some discussions of modifications, and are in the process of assigning leadership positions.

KCDitto is the Axis CO
Waystin2 is the Allied CO

Questions regarding orders should be directed to the side CO's as you join the team.  Explanations of criteria used to create this event may have specific strategic implications so those questions will not be addressed in the general public.

This event will run at 3:00 PM Eastern US Time. 
    March  2, 2013  Frame 1
    March  9, 2013: Frame 2
    March 16, 2013: Frame 3
    March 23, 2013: Frame 4

Good luck, good hunting and see you up there!
Nothing clever here.  Please, move along.

Offline ROC

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Re: Mediterranean Maelstrom Event Write Up
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2013, 11:49:14 PM »
Registration for Mediterranean Maelstrom is open!
Nothing clever here.  Please, move along.

Offline Flifast

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Re: Mediterranean Maelstrom Event Write Up
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2013, 10:14:04 AM »
The Claim Jumpers are reviewing the event and may decide this is something we want to do as a squad.  I don't want to upset the balance of power if we get an overwhelming number of people to show up.  Command has discussed an option to Friday Squad Operation for the squadies that have a RL conflict or WifeAck.

We must fly as a squad.

We would prefer Allied.

Dibs on Waystin  :x

Your thoughts.

Claim Jumpers

Offline waystin2

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Re: Mediterranean Maelstrom Event Write Up
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2013, 10:42:10 AM »
The Claim Jumpers are reviewing the event and may decide this is something we want to do as a squad.  I don't want to upset the balance of power if we get an overwhelming number of people to show up.  Command has discussed an option to Friday Squad Operation for the squadies that have a RL conflict or WifeAck.

We must fly as a squad.

We would prefer Allied.

Dibs on Waystin  :x

Your thoughts.

Claim Jumpers

I have Sea Hurricane and Spit 5 slots open.  Pounce in and we'll work out keeping folks together as best we can.  If I am correct, I only have about 30 or so slots left total amongst the two plane types.
CO for the Pigs On The Wing
& The nicest guy in Aces High!