This is supposed to be a simulation according to the website, so lets simulate that.
It simulates the flight models of the planes, not the scenarios. At least not in the arenas it doesn't. I searched and searched history books and found lots about knights and bishops involved in fighting, but they had little to do with planes. It seems as if Rook as a nation never existed.
The choice which plane to model and with which details are HTC choice. They choose what they think is best and I have a strange feeling that they dont think that 150 oct fuel is what AH needs right now. If somehow they run out of new planes to add, updated the graphic engine, improved the damage models, implemented perked ordnance system, added active AI and new mission system to the arenas and find themselves coming to work wondering what else is left to do - I am sure that THEN would be the perfect time to consider 150 oct fuel.