Author Topic: Painting No. 2 - Sketching BF109  (Read 822 times)

Offline Aimless

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Painting No. 2 - Sketching BF109
« on: August 14, 2012, 09:54:41 PM »
I appreciate the feedback I got on the P39 post I made.  This is a pretty cool screenshot that I'm going to attempt to do.  I've sketched out the 109.  Still gotta fix the cross, but I'll work that out later.

The screenshot I'm going for is located here:

Sketch thus far is attached, a printout of the screenshot is next to it.  I made the squares half-size in the screenshot so I could sub-divide.

This is my first go with the grid system.  I like it a lot. It's a bit tedious drawing the grid, but the results already look better than anything I can draw on a blank canvas.

If my child behaves, I might have some paint on it by Sunday.

Offline titanic3

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Re: Painting No. 2 - Sketching BF109
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2012, 10:15:04 PM »
Nice, much better. The nose could be a little bit longer, extend it just a wee bit. Only other thing is that the front left wing seems to be a bit curved, or it could just be the angle where you took the picture, I can't tell.

Otherwise, nice job!  :aok

  the game is concentrated on combat, not on shaking the screen.


Offline Aimless

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Re: Painting No. 2 - Sketching BF109
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2012, 10:18:18 PM »
The canvas isn't stretched very well, it has little ripples that sort of distort straight lines.  It was $2.00, who can complain?

Offline tmetal

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Re: Painting No. 2 - Sketching BF109
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2012, 10:46:15 AM »
your nose looks long enough (judging by your grid layout) but it doesn't taper properly. put some parabolic curve into the nose lines so that she gets slightly smaller at the spinner vs her size at the firewall.  Just my $.02;  she looks great otherwise  :aok

edit: another tip is to keep using the grid and sub grid layout but there is no need to draw the sub grid over the entire picture you are trying to duplicate. Like you did on the canvas, just sub grid the areas you plan to draw or paint in detail. Saves some time and headache during the prep phase.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2012, 10:51:13 AM by tmetal »
The real problem is anyone should feel like they can come to this forum and make a wish without being treated in a derogatory manner.  The only discussion should be centered around whether it would work, or how it would work and so on always in a respectful manner.

-Skuzzy 5/18/17

Offline Aimless

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Re: Painting No. 2 - Sketching BF109
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2012, 06:43:34 PM »
So there's some paint on it.  Haven't done the canopy or the decals yet.  Had a few mishaps that have sort of warped the wing a bit.  Having a hard time getting some lighting for the fuselage to look round.

Unfortuately, the HD camera makes it look worse than it really does.  It seems to pick up every little tiny issue pretty well.  Not sure how much more time I'll spend trying to get some highlights and shadows right before I move on to the terrain.

Offline ink

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Re: Painting No. 2 - Sketching BF109
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2012, 11:40:36 PM »
you are working it too fast....Slow down don't be concerned about getting it done right away.......

at this stage the paint should still be seems like you are going too thick....

you can use thick paint but it is much more difficult to get the same should be using it like its water color...

many coats of thin paint...slowly building up the layers to form the shapes and shadows...

what are you using? acrylic...?

use the grid for as long as necessary, the more you use it the more you will become accustomed to drawing...eventually you wont need it

of course this is all just my Opinion.

a good tip...
each color has a complementary color...they are


 take your background green and add a small amount of red to it, for shadows....

anytime you want to darken a color use its complementary color, do NOT use Black...

also DO NOT use Brown paint....if you need brown paint.... mixing equal amounts of any of the complementary colors will give you a brown...each one is different....experiment with it....this is a great way to get natural shadows....( the best way)

skin tones are best made with green&red :aok   (and white)