buy a 2.00 alarm clock and put it right next to your computer
set the alarm for your time to go to bed
whala no need to bug htc for a feature
In a way this is more something for wives and some girlfreinds. All the guys who suffer real wife-ack probably understand it's becasue anything that can grab your attention to such an extream is seen as a threat by your wife to your relationship. They don't see the game as you are not out wasting the family fortune getting drunk with your buddies chasing sleezy women or getting DUI's.
If it's implemented, then the game has something tied to the real world the wife is worried about. And the smart wife-acked player would arrange to show the function in a light that the game creators wanted to help the wife's concerns. Specificly by enabling in the game a command to return the wife's real world time. Since loosing track of time related to your relationship with her is the problem. The logic of wearing a watch, placing a clock near the PC, or tabbing to the desktop is not of concern here. Which she will probably nail you with while you show her the function. But, it's the tought that HTC cares about a tiny bit more than your $14.95.
In many cases simply showcasing the function once with a properly couched explanation is all it would take for the wife. See Honey, now I won't loose track of time becasue HTC dosen't want to loose me as a customer and was thinking about you. For the rest of us it realy would be a convenience to use the text buffer and a dot command while playing the game. You already are focused into game mode and the text buffer is second nature.
This whole idea came from my wife wondering why I couldn't get my PC's time with a command since the game did so many other things with dot commands. She likes the fact that I'm not out blowing the family fortune getting drunk and chasing sleezy women with my freinds. It's cheaper to pay for internet and the game in a year than a single buzzed driving arrest in california. Smart wife........