I always like any new addition, but I have a couple questions on this one, mostly directed to the community:
1) Knowing the weight now is cool & all, but will it make any difference to how people play? We all already know how each plane flies & handles. Will knowing the weigh now change someone's mind about picking a ride? I just find it personally as something I will never "use". I'm sure I'll look at it out of curiousity, but it will never factor into which ride I pick, with which ord.
2) Will the Endurance range change with each turn, dive, etc.? If so, won't that make the number in the hanger null & void almost as soon as you take off & change direction? Serious question.
1) I think more information = more power to the player/pilot. This is good stuff, even though I understand your point. Where most of us previously assumed 12,000lbs now we know with certainty it is really 11,932lbs. Some people care, if you don't, ignore it, just like your accelerometer in combat.
Think about this, dude.
Endurance/duration can be translated to a range. Range is how far you can travel though with the variables of fuel being consumed, fuel available, with speed taken into account (which is in itself something that needs to be calulated itself since a little headwind has a huge impact). Duration in flight in AH (and real world) is given in hours/time at a given/set/constant power setting and altitude/air-density (fuel being consumed) and fuel available in the tank - without complicating it any further with things like speed, wind, etc.. Flying at X power, at Y altitude, no matter which way to turn, fly, travel (or, which is a very critical thing to take into consideration with commercial aircraft stuck on a taxiway for an hour, even travel at all) will still yield the same amount of time unless you change power settings or start loosing/making fuel.
If you need further clarification it can be provided, but math is not my strongest point and thats what this starts boiling down to, and besides in the screenshot it clearly lists the aircrafts duration with the constants of full military power (full throttle, no WEP) and at sea level (SL) with a given amount of fuel (25/50/75/100% max-internal + external stores).
But yes, if any of those things/constants change (power setting, air/oxygen density, available fuel) then your duration changes (learn to <3 your E6B). If those three things remain unchanged, there is nothing you can do to change the amount of time/duration you have left, unless you're maybe driving a DeLorean.
If you're familiar with all the planes it doesn't help much. But it does help someone who is unfamiliar with a plane to pick an appropriate loadout. It also saves you the hassle of starting flight and bringing up the E6B if you want to check something.
and I do this myself, VERY often.