I only use my Revolution to fly, that said you could easily leave a wheel controller on the wheel mount and your joystick and throttle on the side mounts. If you prefer a center mount joystick ( as I do ), you could have the wheel on the wheel mount, j/s in center, throttle on left, and gear shifter on right mount. The only thing you would have to swap would be racing pedals for rudder peds.
Just checked MainperformancePc ( the US distributor for Obutto ) and it does seem that they've changed the option for flightstick mount. When I bought the original oZone several years ago, that option came with a j/s mount AND a throttle mount. Now, just the j/s mount is shown
Maybe they think the shifter mount should suffice as a throttle mount. And it would work just fine. I'm glad I kept my stick and throttle accessory when I upgraded to the Revolution and sold my oZone. An extra mounting arm is always good.