Author Topic: Any WOOT customers? Check out the T-shirt my daughter entered.  (Read 418 times)

Offline G0ALY

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Any WOOT customers? Check out the T-shirt my daughter entered.
« on: January 21, 2015, 12:06:17 PM »
Is it okay to post a link to entries design or other competitions?  Please tell me if it is not.

Okay, this is a shameless plug.  My daughter has started entering the Tshirt competition on  Each week they announce a theme, and open the door for T-shirts based on that theme.  If you have ever bought anything from Woot, you can vote in the competition by clicking on the “I’d want one” button.

Even if you can’t - or don’t want to vote for it, I like showing off her artwork.  So here it is… The theme this week was, “Rebel Rebel”.   She created a design featuring dust bunnies that won’t go down without a fight.

Here is a link to her entry in the competition:

Thanks for looking. CHEERS!
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Offline mbailey

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Re: Any WOOT customers? Check out the T-shirt my daughter entered.
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2015, 03:34:24 PM »
LOL dust bunnies.....Love it.  Talented little lass you have there  :aok
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Offline darkzking

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Re: Any WOOT customers? Check out the T-shirt my daughter entered.
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2015, 03:46:59 PM »
i want that shirt :banana:
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Offline G0ALY

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Re: Any WOOT customers? Check out the T-shirt my daughter entered.
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2015, 06:07:04 PM »
Thanks, I’m proud of her work.  She is studying children’s illustration in college.  It was my idea for her to start entering these competitions.  They announce the theme of the contest, and then open for submissions just 24 hours later.  Voting starts right away and only last a few days.  So the later you enter, the harder it is to catch up. Only the top three T-shirt designs get printed and sold… I thought it would be good practice for when she enters the workforce.  

Last week’s contest theme was “True Love”.  This was her first entry: (She had to explain to me that these are called “Macaroni Penguins”.)

Saddly, it did not get many votes.
If you are interested, I will post her future entries.


« Last Edit: January 21, 2015, 06:14:28 PM by G0ALY »
My password at work had to contain exactly 8 characters… I chose Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

Offline Nefarious

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Re: Any WOOT customers? Check out the T-shirt my daughter entered.
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2015, 02:16:26 PM »
Thanks, I’m proud of her work.  She is studying children’s illustration in college.  It was my idea for her to start entering these competitions.  They announce the theme of the contest, and then open for submissions just 24 hours later.  Voting starts right away and only last a few days.  So the later you enter, the harder it is to catch up. Only the top three T-shirt designs get printed and sold… I thought it would be good practice for when she enters the workforce.  

Last week’s contest theme was “True Love”.  This was her first entry: (She had to explain to me that these are called “Macaroni Penguins”.)

(Image removed from quote.)

Saddly, it did not get many votes.
If you are interested, I will post her future entries.


Very cool. Nice to see you continuing to encourage her down her field. Any type of competition like this is healthy for her resume. I'm sure she is already, but make sure shes saves all of her submissions for her portfolio.
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Offline Slate

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Re: Any WOOT customers? Check out the T-shirt my daughter entered.
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2015, 02:32:20 PM »
  My wife would love one of those shirts.  :aok

  Her first entry I guess I couldn't figure out what was in the bowl. Left me guessing a little.  :headscratch:
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