In certain bombers you can depress the forward/up button , while in bomb mode, and yes see your targets from way off. The KI-67 and B-26 comes to mind. I stopped doing this cause the same effect can be gained by going into front gun and zooming all the way to find exactly where your target is so you can make small adjustments to center your plane, and still keep a tad of SA cause you can quickly go to F3/front gun to look around you. In bombsight/forward front you are kind of limited in situational awareness.
Heres what I do. I calibrate first while approaching target, then go into front sight and zoom to the target to line up exactly. Its important to use your rudders to adjust cause if you use rudder keys you get more drone drift. Which you dont want. When Im lined up I'll check my 360%, calibrate one last time, and then drop. The same effect can be gained by going into bomb sight/front forward tho you might have the adjust your front forward view with the F10 key.