I've been thinking about this awhile and would like to ask the community for their thoughts....
I have an outdated Dell Demension 9100. THing was built in 2005, and at the time was pretty top of the line. I was given this computer 2nd hand when my father went all Mac.
I've considered pulling everything out of the case, and keeping the sound card, the two DVD RW drives, and possibly the hard drive as a 2nd drive (after reformatting it.) Everything else is pretty old and needs to be updated. The question is finding a pwer supply, motherboard, processor, ram, video card, ect to fit this case. Ive also considered yanking the sound card out (I'm not sure what it is, but has multiple jacks, four speakers that are set in a surround sound config, a subwuffer, and speaker bar on the moniter,which ALL run through the subwoofer to the jacks on the computer, hence my wanting to salvage it) along with the DVD drives and using the hard drive as a backup, and then purchasing a case, MB, ram, video card, power supply, ect. and doing a build.