Author Topic: Civil War Reenactment  (Read 686 times)

Offline ReVo

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Re: Civil War Reenactment
« Reply #15 on: April 21, 2014, 08:08:26 PM »
But I do Napoleonic period.

Now this is my cup of tea. Any photos?  :D
XO Jagdgeschwader 53 'Pik As'


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Re: Civil War Reenactment
« Reply #16 on: April 21, 2014, 08:22:07 PM »

says a pvt: "He's right.  Why us"?

replies a sgt: "Because we're here lad, nobody else."

Zulu was a great movie.  Still is.  Love it.   :aok

Also "Mr. Witt, sir, be quiet now will you; there's a good gentleman. You'll upset the lads."
Great movie. Loved Colour Sergeant Bourne

Here is the scene to which you refer
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It ain't pretty

Offline shotgunneeley

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Re: Civil War Reenactment
« Reply #17 on: April 21, 2014, 08:49:00 PM »
Very nice!

Get rid of the comfy shoes and get you some authentic brogans, though.

(Image removed from quote.)

 :salute :cheers:

I wouldn't necessarily call my Redwing work boots "comfy shoes", but I see your point. I borrowed everything you see me with when I arrived on site except the boots (they never said anything, so I just rolled with it).

I had a 'shipmate' (squadron-mate?) in the Navy who participated in CWR back in the 80s (he may still). He started out Confederate then switched to Union because the Confederate players usually outnumbered the Union players by a factor of two to one even in the battles where the North outnumbered the South historically. To paraphrase him, 'I got more play time. They'd drag my dead body over a hill and 'resurrect' me. Sometimes twice.'

As far as picking sides, I couldn't care less about who the good guys or bad guys are. Wether considered good history or bad history, all history deserves to be equally represented.

I've always wanted to run one of those things as the "historical" looser on one side or the other. Then when it came time for the reenactment. Alter the tactics and change the "historical" outcome of the battle to where the "historically" loosing side wins  :D

Anybody else imagine going into LotR Middle Earth and giving the Fellowship automatic weapons, sniper rifles and Apache attack helicopters?
"Lord, let us feel pity for Private Jenkins, and sorrow for ourselves, and all the angel warriors that fall. Let us fear death, but let it not live within us. Protect us, O Lord, and be merciful unto us. Amen"-from FALLEN ANGELS by Walter Dean Myers

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Offline macleod01

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Re: Civil War Reenactment
« Reply #18 on: April 22, 2014, 06:44:03 AM »
Now this is my cup of tea. Any photos?  :D

Sure, got plenty!

Myself and the 95th at Los Arapiles, Salamanca, Great fun but scorching hot. This was in July, midday, for the bicentinery.

Waterloo, 2011. The Redcoated Highlanders give the French Voltigers a volley.

Myself (On the right) a fellow Rifleman and our Captain leading the Redcoats onto the field. I love this picture with the Colours flying.

The 95th Skirmishing to the front

Alongside our Redcoated friends from the 68th DLI

And one of my favourites
seeds have been laid...but they arent trees we're growing. we're growing organic grenades!- 321BAR
I'd have a better chance in running into a Dodo Bird in the middle of rush hour, walking down the I-5 with two hookers in tow before I see a useful post from glock89- Ack-Ack

Offline MrGeezer

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Re: Civil War Reenactment
« Reply #19 on: April 24, 2014, 01:15:31 AM »
While not a reenactor, I am a card carrying member of the SCV.

I have a complete CSA uniform but no rifle, just a replica sword.

There is not only the 150th anniversary of the US Civil War, but we are also on the cusp of the 100 year anniversary of WWI.

Killing Virtual Bad Guys Since 1995  Disabled, retired.

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Offline danny76

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Re: Civil War Reenactment
« Reply #20 on: April 24, 2014, 01:58:31 AM »
Sure, got plenty!

Myself and the 95th at Los Arapiles, Salamanca, Great fun but scorching hot. This was in July, midday, for the bicentinery.

Waterloo, 2011. The Redcoated Highlanders give the French Voltigers a volley.

Myself (On the right) a fellow Rifleman and our Captain leading the Redcoats onto the field. I love this picture with the Colours flying.

The 95th Skirmishing to the front

Alongside our Redcoated friends from the 68th DLI

And one of my favourites

Sharpie's a splendid fellow, let down atrociously by Seen Been :old:

Lead character in a fine series of books by Bernard Cornwell, based on stories of an ex-ranker 95th Rifles officer in the Peninsular campaign of the early 1800s.

The books later covered some events post Portugal/Spain, such as the Battle of Waterloo and then, helped by the popularity of the TV series, "started again" with the time before his commission during the Indian campaigns of the late 1700s. In fact the whole timeline and continuity became so confused (and unlikely) that Sharpe even managed to muscle in on the battle of Trafalgar in the rather eponymously titled Sharpe's Trafalgar.

The novels, starting with Sharpe's Rifles, have been made into an excellent TV series starring Sean Bean, Brian Cox, Darragh O'Malley, Pete Postlethwaite and David Troughton. Appearances from other famous folk such as Paul Bettany, Oliver Tobias, Philip Glenister, Julian Fellowes, including a scene in Sharpe's Enemy where Liz Hurley gets her norks out.

Forthcoming works are:

Sharpe's Helmet

Major Richard Sharpe of the 95th Rifles is abducted by space aliens who systematically anally probe him - despite his tough, uncompromising Yorkshire accent. When they've finished, he's ejected from their craft only to find he's been taken back to Ancient Greece, whereupon he enlists in the Thespian Volunteers [You think I'm joking?] and kicks Persian arse at the battle of Thermopylae.

So taken is King Xerxes by the tough, uncompromising Yorkshireman that he lets him go after the Spartans' shoeing, only for Sharpe to be accidentally run over by a speeding chariot and sent in to a coma.

Sharpe's Sunday

In a deep coma, Major Richard Sharpe of the 95th Rifles awakes to find himself in 1972. He immediately enlists in 1 PARA and proceeds to lay waste the Bogside and its hapless inhabitants. His tough, uncompromising Yorkshire attitude strikes fear in to the IRA etc.

Sharpe's ASBO

After spending thirty-five years in a social void, Major Richard Sharpe of the Parachute Regiment leaves the army only to find that society has changed dramatically: no Double Diamond on tap and a distinct lack of beige flares on the fashion scene. Outraged at the failure of society, he embarks on a voyage of revenge, recrimination and reprisal - blowing away slags and scrotes in a maelstrom of tough, uncompromising Yorkshireism. [Is there a pattern emerging yet?]

Sharpe's Air

Major Richard Sharpe of the Parachute Regiment (V) is a TA Officer who is deployed to the Middle East and ends up working with the RAF but despite his rough uncompromising Yorkshire accent, he fails to get any work done as 'It's not their job mate'.

The show seems the many point of inspiration for the recruitment literature of The Rifles.

So far, the following episodes have been released on DVD:

    Sharpe's Rifles
    Sharpe's Eagle
    Sharpe's Company
    Sharpe's Enemy
    Sharpe's Honour
    Sharpe's Gold
    Sharpe's Battle
    Sharpe's Sword
    Sharpe's Regiment
    Sharpe's Siege
    Sharpe's Mission
    Sharpe's Revenge
    Sharpe's Justice
    Sharpe's Waterloo
    Sharpe's Challenge

Memorable Quotes include:

Sharpe: Gimme a pick-lock, Cooper.

Cooper: Pick-lock, sir? Catch me with a pick-lock!

Harper: They did, Coop. But when you got out of Newgate prison, you got another set, and that's the one the officer wants.

Cooper: Do I get it back, sir?

Sharpe: Trust me.

Cooper: It's very hard to trust a man who wants to borrow your pick-lock, sir.

Another oft-quoted line is 'Yer fat Southern bastard!' which Sharpe utters to just about everybody. Of course, in the books, he was a Londoner, which means he should be saying 'Yer fat Northern bastard!' but there you go...
« Last Edit: April 24, 2014, 02:28:19 AM by danny76 »
"You kill 'em all, I'll eat the BATCO!"

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