Author Topic: Jug Drivers..  (Read 1142 times)

Offline WW1965

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Jug Drivers..
« on: May 07, 2014, 03:47:48 AM »

I'm really starting to understand the 'way to fly' the jug, but I keep getting too slow.. (which I'm not afraid to do btw..)

I personally feel if I get below5k & slower than 200, I'm in trouble.. but i'll be damned if I don't find myself there often..

My gunnery is getting better, but still needs work.. but after 1.25 years, i'm not ashamed of it..

any tips for stayin fast around enemies ?? etc etc..



Offline Hap

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Re: Jug Drivers..
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2014, 03:52:48 AM »
Fly a few sorties with the small ammo load. 

Offline BnZs

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Re: Jug Drivers..
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2014, 09:03:29 AM »

any tips for stayin fast around enemies ?? etc etc..

Be less ballsy in your Jug? Set a hard deck and stick to it? Really I can't think of any other options. It is the nature of the fight to get slower and slower the more deeply you commit to it. If someone attacks your Jug from alt, you may have no choice but to force the overshoot and turn it into a knife-fight. You might try diving away from the general fight a little before they come in guns range, just so it will maybe be a 1v1 instead of the typical "Let's all jump on the low and slow guy!" fight.

Something that helps me a lot with gunnery is going to the TA with a friend, and Turning on the Lead Computing gunsite. One guy should be the "target" drone, preferably in something small and turny like an Fm2 or Yak. He'll throw lots of break turns and other maneuvers at you, you'll use the little green cross to learn where and how you should be aiming. If you can kill with snapshots at longer ranges and higher speeds instead of saddling up, you shouldn't have to slow your Jug down as much to take guys out of the fight.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2014, 09:06:02 AM by BnZs »
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Offline Rogue9Volt

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Re: Jug Drivers..
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2014, 10:16:17 AM »
Actually, the D-40 will turn quite nicely at low speeds, which can surprise some opponents.  Just takes a lot of throttle and flap work.  Also, kick rudder when rolling left or right and you'll roll faster.  Talk to Mechanic (Batfink in game), and see if he'll show you a few tricks in the TA.  He changed my whole outlook... Lol

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Offline Randy1

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Re: Jug Drivers..
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2014, 01:07:34 PM »
I have been working on of late is extending away in a shallow dive after the last turn for a bit longer to gain some speed.  I always tend to go from one turn to the next without E recovery of a few seconds to gain back some speed and regain some separation.  I am always in too big of a hurry to turn back for the next merge often leaving the 47 short on speed.  It is a bad habit.

Remember the half turn rule when diving into a fight.

Have you tried the D11.  It might match your style better.

Offline -ammo-

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Re: Jug Drivers..
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2014, 01:47:58 PM »

First, you must have already realized your are going to get shot down a bunch while learning this AC :lol  However, the AC provides a very rewarding AH experience.  I think the best attribute to master to be successful (defined by your own satisfaction) is good gunnery.  Utilize one of the AC's greatest attributes - it's powerful gun package.

You gotta stay in tune with everything that is going on around you.  I'm not just referring to SA from the cockpit perspective, but the map/DAR.  I use this to formulate an estimate of what to expect and adjust my altitude accordingly.  I decide my altitude based on the information I gather from the cockpit, the map and the DAR.

Another great attribute of the P-47 is it's ability to snap it's nose around quickly at the end of a zoom climb or when trying to force an overshoot of an unwary opponent.  Times I will experience a high opponent in a forgiving AC such as a Spit16 or LA7 will dive in with excess speed thinking the P-47 is an easy kill. When faced with this situation I give them my high six.  When they are about 800-1000 yards out in their attack, I will pull the nose up and into their plane, then rotate the P-47's plane to show them my slimmest profile.  They have no choice but to overshoot underneath me.  I try to time their overshoot with a kick to the rudder and drop the throttle and maybe a notch of flaps to keep good control of the AC.  If I do it correctly, I have a good chance of a snapshot on the cockpit of the opponent.  I guess I find myself in the defensive too often... :D

I invite you to come fly with myself or any of the 56th guys anytime. We are currently Knights and tune VOX 156.  I will give you our TS server information if you desire.  It's much easier for me to describe my tactics over VOX than in the BBS
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Offline Latrobe

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Re: Jug Drivers..
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2014, 01:58:10 PM »
I prefer to dump my flaps and get slow in my Jugs, but I'm not normal.  :)  I like to make those spitfire pilots look foolish when I use the absolutely amazing rudder on the Jug to out turn them!  :devil That's one of the major strengths of the Jug, it's superb rudder. The gun package is another great strength of the Jug. If you get something in your gunsight, they very rarely survive!  :devil

You should definitely fly with the 56th a little, they really know the Jugs well.  :aok

Offline WW1965

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Re: Jug Drivers..
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2014, 04:04:45 AM »
If you can kill with snapshots at longer ranges and higher speeds instead of saddling up, you shouldn't have to slow your Jug down as much to take guys out of the fight.

I'm getting better at putting this into practice.. but most of the time it like ..
"oh look thats just one little con down there by his lonesome.."
<90sec's later..>
"Mr Wizard is letting me down again!?!?"

It's all in good fun but.. surviving would be more fun..  ;)
It's just gonna take some time for me..

Offline WW1965

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Re: Jug Drivers..
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2014, 04:12:34 AM »
I prefer to dump my flaps and get slow in my Jugs, but I'm not normal.  :)  I like to make those spitfire pilots look foolish when I use the absolutely amazing rudder on the Jug to out turn them!  :devil That's one of the major strengths of the Jug, it's superb rudder. The gun package is another great strength of the Jug. If you get something in your gunsight, they very rarely survive!  :devil

You should definitely fly with the 56th a little, they really know the Jugs well.  :aok

Flaps & Rudder on the Jug are the best in the Game (IMHO).. They're what make it so versatile.. & that rudder has saved my donut more than once..

Offline WW1965

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Re: Jug Drivers..
« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2014, 04:15:17 AM »

Thanx, I've seen him around.. but i fly weird hours.. so just here & there sort of thing..

I'll look him up tho..

Offline Wiley

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Re: Jug Drivers..
« Reply #10 on: May 08, 2014, 10:53:46 AM »
Flaps & Rudder on the Jug are the best in the Game (IMHO).. They're what make it so versatile.. & that rudder has saved my donut more than once..

I think the Jug also benefits from low fuel and WEP more than pretty much any plane in the game.

If you think you are having a 1v1 in the Main Arena, your SA has failed you.


Offline Randy1

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Re: Jug Drivers..
« Reply #11 on: May 08, 2014, 11:09:38 AM »
WW, what convergence setting are you using?

Did you get a chance to try the D11?

Offline bozon

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Re: Jug Drivers..
« Reply #12 on: May 09, 2014, 01:31:19 PM »
Actually, the D-40 will turn quite nicely at low speeds, which can surprise some opponents.  Just takes a lot of throttle and flap work.  Also, kick rudder when rolling left or right and you'll roll faster.  Talk to Mechanic (Batfink in game), and see if he'll show you a few tricks in the TA.  He changed my whole outlook... Lol

be careful with statements as the above. The Jugs handle well at slow speeds, but the do not turn well! Big difference. It still rolls nicely and has plenty of warning before stalling or snap rolling, but it wallows much more than turn - both slow rate and a large radius. This is why Jugs are good at scissors and especially rolling scissors moves, but should not try to go round and round with anyone (except 190s...).

Using rudder to assist the roll work, but you lose more energy this way and get you too slow too early, and that is the problem you were describing. Use the rudder in the roll only of you WANT to lose speed, or just have to whip the nose around NOW. It is one of the better rolling planes even without the rudder. The flaps are also a trap - realize that they cost you energy, which means loss of speed and/or alt. The flaps are good, so you them only as needed and do not be tempted easily to pull out more than two notches. The times to pull out a lot of flaps is when you want to lose speed (overshots) or when you want to hang on the prop and fly as slow as possible.

Generally, Jugs like most US planes fight down hill. As long as you can convert alt to keep the speed up, the Jug can engage in tight knife fights. This means that you have to be able to recognize a losing battle early enough before you run out of alt/speed. Then either change the maneuver or try to exit the fight.

If you want to see how jugs are used to good effect in the arena seek the 56th guys (Ammo is the CO). Fun bunch to fly with or against.
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Offline WW1965

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Re: Jug Drivers..
« Reply #13 on: May 11, 2014, 05:13:52 AM »
WW, what convergence setting are you using?

Did you get a chance to try the D11?

I just use the standard 400 for all gunz.. I've used it for so long, I'm almost afraid to change it..  :uhoh

& I love the Razorback.. I just wish it had a bit more range..

I generally stick with the P47Nancy.. its just a versatile plane.. best of the bunch in my opinion..  :salute


Offline danny76

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Re: Jug Drivers..
« Reply #14 on: May 11, 2014, 05:21:15 AM »
I prefer to dump my flaps and get slow in my Jugs, but I'm not normal.  :)  I like to make those spitfire pilots look foolish when I use the absolutely amazing rudder on the Jug to out turn them!  :devil That's one of the major strengths of the Jug, it's superb rudder. The gun package is another great strength of the Jug. If you get something in your gunsight, they very rarely survive!  :devil

You should definitely fly with the 56th a little, they really know the Jugs well.  :aok

This is true, I found Latrobe low and slow in a Jug once, I was in a Hurri 2, took me about 10 minutes of sweating to finally get the bugger, the whole time he made me look like a day 1 newb :bhead
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