Author Topic: November 2014 calendar - Snapshots  (Read 578 times)

Offline Mystic2

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November 2014 calendar - Snapshots
« on: October 20, 2014, 02:18:45 PM »
Subject to change

November Snapshot Schedule

All Events begin at 9:30pm Eastern time in SEA II every Wednesday night.
All are welcome to attend. No registration, sign up or squad affiliation needed. Simply show up, read the Arena Message, choose a side and plane then get ready to fight!

Nov 05 14   Mojo   Star of Africa
Marseille created a unique self-training program for himself, both physical and tactical, which resulted not just in outstanding situational awareness, marksmanship, and control of the aircraft, but also in a unique attack tactic that preferred a high angle deflection shooting attack and shooting at the target's front from the side, instead of the common method of chasing an aircraft and shooting at it from behind.
His innovative and unique attack method, which was perfected by him to a method for attacking aircraft formations, resulted in his fantastic lethality ratio, and in rapid rate multiple victories per attack, and it is what made him one of the greatest and most innovative fighter aces in history.
On June 6, 1942 Marseille attacked alone a formation of 16 P-40 fighters and shot down 6 P-40s of No. 5 Squadron South African Air Force, five of them in six minutes, including the aces Capt Pare (6 claims), Lt. Goulding (6.5 claims), and Capt. Botha (5 claims).
Marseille died on September 30th 1942 at the age of twenty two when he bailed out of his 109. The smoke filling his cockpit caused him to bail badly and strike the tail of his Messerschmitt.

Nov 12 14   Off   

Nov 19 14   68Jr   Last of a Dying Breed
Just when the heat finally started to reside from Cactus, It came back in a fire ball on the
 7th of April 1943.67 Vals and 110 Zeros were launched against the Island of Guadalcanal. The Cactus Air Force sprang into action launching elements of Army P-38s, P-39s, P-40s and Marine F4Fs, and now Marine F4Us from VMF-124 that were delivered in February. During the melee VMF-214 (flying Wildcats) drew first blood claiming 10 aircraft destroyed between Cape Esperance and Koli point. The Zero escort did a good job of tying up the defenders and
the flight of Vals remained nearly intact. The Aichis swooped down and destroyed a tanker and two destroyers. At the end of the day American flyers were credited with 40 kills versus 29 acknowledged in IJN records. Out of all the fighters the Army claimed 11 and one corsair pilot claimed 1, all the rest were claimed by the Grumman F4F. This would mark the end of an era for Wildcat pilots, All Marine Wildcat squadron would soon convert to the F4U and the navy was not far behind.

Nov 26 14   Off   
« Last Edit: October 20, 2014, 02:22:16 PM by Mystic2 »
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