I reported a clear and severe bug in another thread about disappearing dar bar that itself disappeared in a discussion about what comprises NOE conditions. This bug was discovered on the same map and exact same location as the disappearing dar bar; to me the two seem much more interrelated than a circumstance of NOE flying and an inappropriate report of it as a bug. I have tested for conditions of this bug on other maps and it is not present; whether just outside the "printed" area, or beyond the boundary of the outermost complete sector, this bug exists on some but not all maps. It exists on Compello and I recorded a series of no damage collisions, like this:

This image shows the Tu-2's flown by KRILLEN, my P-47N and also the cliff that defines the edge of the visible map and continent it truncates:

As we cross back into the map, a slight manipulation of the recording using the controls of the AH Film Viewer reveals the anomaly. At the transition, each plane briefly disappears and reappears; lead, drones and pursuit. This event is captured at the exact moment for all four planes in the same frame. The first image shows drones and pursuit, lead is invisible:

If you compare these two images, you will see that only the zoom control has been adjusted and only the lead plane is visible:

My assumption is the POV changes from one side of the transition to the other as the zoom control is adjusted. Therefore planes outside the map "do not exist" from inside the map and in a non existent state would likely not throw dar bar either.
My final pass, only one second later on the recording, clipped the outer wing of the lead bomber and in doing so removed my rudder, right elevator and stabilizer. I then withdrew lest the TU-2's still had ammo. I started recording after I exhausted my own: