Author Topic: Denied  (Read 838 times)

Offline Getback

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« on: September 15, 2015, 03:56:21 PM »
Couple of nights ago I was supplying a vbase from a c47. Though the base was flashing from a small radar bar. I didn't think the plane was close or that is was a high set of bombers.. Then again there several bases in the area and the con may have been attacking one of them.

So as I close in on the base I see Tutu's diving and I think anther set of Tutu's or lancs. Also came an f4u1c. The diving Tutu's turned sharply and headed my way. I had to get rid of the supplies. I pull up steeply and drop the supplies. The Tutu's pull up too and just when it looked like he lost steam one of the friendly Werbs atomized him. I dive out as the C-hog drops another egg.

Realizing no way can I get away I dive and turn to the C-hog. He turns eagerly towards my goon. We're nose on! I pull up hoping to avoid those cannons. I fail! My tail is gone. Pondering my soon to be demise I cut the throttle instinctively. Then thought, go the other way. I open the throttle wide hoping for some kind of lift. Then as earth approaches I lowered my gear. The goon hits hard, the wheels collapse, the wings break off and and I'm alive!! I am so stunned I didn't think to tower for a moment. But then I hear the C-hog approaching. I quickly exit. I get a ditch.

Then I laugh so hard just for the fact, How the heck did I survive!

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Offline pembquist

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Re: Denied
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2015, 04:08:24 PM »
Because here at Douglas Aircraft we only hire the best engineers in the world.

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Offline Meatwad

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Re: Denied
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2015, 06:28:45 PM »
If only you could hear his rants of how he lost his kill  :rofl
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Offline Getback

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Re: Denied
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2015, 07:00:44 PM »
If only you could hear his rants of how he lost his kill  :rofl

I can well imagine. I've been there too.

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Offline Mano

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Re: Denied
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2015, 07:15:12 PM »

It was a good read also.    :aok
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Offline FBKampfer

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Re: Denied
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2015, 12:40:37 AM »
I remember I was in a K4 fighting an F4U in some very high rolling scissors over mountainous terrain. About a minute and a half in, we're getting close to nose on each other, but I get guns first and pump a few taters into his wing. He starts spinning, and as I dive past, I guess his wing happened to rotate into my tail, and took off my vertical stabilizer.

So he's heading up at about 250, in going straight down at roughly 350, clearly I'm going to impact first. I pull up, hoping I can kind of flop around long enough to let him hit the ground first so I can collect my kill and avoid giving him one. But I'm faced with a dilemma. To maintain a modicum of stability, I need airspeed. But my engine's torque is also contributing significantly to my problems.

I put it nose down at about 25‰ throttle, trying to no avail to slow my descent. I'm about 2000agl when I give up hope. I'm in fairly steep dive trying to avoid the side of a mountain, when inspiration strikes me. If I can touch down at less than 150, I can maybe come away with a ditch. So I pull up, pop full flaps and gear, kinda drunkenly spiral around, and smack into the hill at what the film viewer indicated to be 142mph. Gear buckles, tail and left wing snap off, and I start rotating as I'm sliding.

Eventually my plane decides to stop, and about 90 seconds after I take the shot, kill number 4 in the bag.
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Offline Getback

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Re: Denied
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2015, 03:36:49 AM »
I remember I was in a K4 fighting an F4U in some very high rolling scissors over mountainous terrain. About a minute and a half in, we're getting close to nose on each other, but I get guns first and pump a few taters into his wing. He starts spinning, and as I dive past, I guess his wing happened to rotate into my tail, and took off my vertical stabilizer.

So he's heading up at about 250, in going straight down at roughly 350, clearly I'm going to impact first. I pull up, hoping I can kind of flop around long enough to let him hit the ground first so I can collect my kill and avoid giving him one. But I'm faced with a dilemma. To maintain a modicum of stability, I need airspeed. But my engine's torque is also contributing significantly to my problems.

I put it nose down at about 25‰ throttle, trying to no avail to slow my descent. I'm about 2000agl when I give up hope. I'm in fairly steep dive trying to avoid the side of a mountain, when inspiration strikes me. If I can touch down at less than 150, I can maybe come away with a ditch. So I pull up, pop full flaps and gear, kinda drunkenly spiral around, and smack into the hill at what the film viewer indicated to be 142mph. Gear buckles, tail and left wing snap off, and I start rotating as I'm sliding.

Eventually my plane decides to stop, and about 90 seconds after I take the shot, kill number 4 in the bag.

Amazing what we think of when our feet are close to the fire. Nice job!

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Offline Wiley

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Re: Denied
« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2015, 10:58:44 AM »
I remember I was in a K4 fighting an F4U in some very high rolling scissors over mountainous terrain. About a minute and a half in, we're getting close to nose on each other, but I get guns first and pump a few taters into his wing. He starts spinning, and as I dive past, I guess his wing happened to rotate into my tail, and took off my vertical stabilizer.

So he's heading up at about 250, in going straight down at roughly 350, clearly I'm going to impact first. I pull up, hoping I can kind of flop around long enough to let him hit the ground first so I can collect my kill and avoid giving him one. But I'm faced with a dilemma. To maintain a modicum of stability, I need airspeed. But my engine's torque is also contributing significantly to my problems.

I put it nose down at about 25‰ throttle, trying to no avail to slow my descent. I'm about 2000agl when I give up hope. I'm in fairly steep dive trying to avoid the side of a mountain, when inspiration strikes me. If I can touch down at less than 150, I can maybe come away with a ditch. So I pull up, pop full flaps and gear, kinda drunkenly spiral around, and smack into the hill at what the film viewer indicated to be 142mph. Gear buckles, tail and left wing snap off, and I start rotating as I'm sliding.

Eventually my plane decides to stop, and about 90 seconds after I take the shot, kill number 4 in the bag.

I had a similar one when I was in a 262 and got my vstab shot off by a bomber.  I was sitting back grumbling to myself over the loss of perks as I lost control of the plane.  The throttle was firewalled, and the plane started to flop down like a leaf, but as I was going down I noticed it was maintaining reasonably horizontal pitch attitude and airspeed sub-150.  Vertical descent speed was sub-1000.  I was also over the ocean in friendly territory, so I thought to myself I might be able to ditch it.

I kept the throttle firewalled because I figured changing that might change what the plane was doing, and  fiddled with the ailerons and elevator on my way down to try to keep it doing what it was doing, and wound up getting the ditch.

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Offline icepac

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Re: Denied
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2015, 08:03:29 PM »
In an early version of warbirds, I flew a zero all the way home missing a wing and landed it on the runway.

It probably would have blown up in aces high with the sub-200mph thing.

Offline Scca

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Re: Denied
« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2015, 09:37:13 PM »
My best recovery was when I lost half a wing on both sides of an F4U and made a successful landing on a Cv.
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Offline NatCigg

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Re: Denied
« Reply #10 on: September 18, 2015, 09:41:13 PM »
My best recovery was when I lost half a wing on both sides of an F4U and made a successful landing on a Cv.

uber flaps  :old: