Shop around, you should be able to find a similar Asus model with a 970 for close to if not the same price as that one. The 965 is an "ok" video card, but the 970 is superior, and that's the most critical thing for this game. Still, that 965m will play the game/beta pretty well, but the 970 will be 15 or 20% better results IMO, and again, just spot checking a few places, most of the 970 equipped Asus laptops aren't much if at all more expensive than the 965M ones.
If you found that laptop on sale, or for some reason you can't match the price with a 970 equipped system, it'll probably play the beta fine, you MAY have to turn down a thing or two here or there, hard to say, but it WILL work, and pretty well at that. I just know from experience that the 970 and 980 equipped laptops are a large step up from everything else, and that unless you found a great sale/deal on that 965M Asus, you should be able to get into a 970 one for the same $ right now.