Pudgie, if your mouse has a wheel on it, you can change the desktop ICON size by pressing Ctrl and roll the wheel. It allows fine control of resizing the desktop ICONS.
Hi Skuzzy,
Thanks for posting this as I was never aware that this could be done within Windows.............
Since I read your post I've tried to do this several times but I get no response on the desktop. I've checked my trackball's control panel (Logitech SetPoint 6.67.59) and the wheel is set up for universal scroll (default). Checked this in Windows and all is set up in default as well but when I press CTRL and roll the trackball wheel nothing happens.
Would the theme choice interfere? Especially if the theme being used isn't the Windows default (I use the Asus ROG theme exclusively)?
Well I just tested this thought by selecting the default Windows 7 theme then tried again and got no response on the desktop so something is amiss on my end. I'll track it down eventually...................
As far as AHIII goes I'm good w\ it as MS has known that this was an issue long ago as these (I remember this being present as far back as WinXP) settings were available in the Properties, Compatibility tab for all apps (including games) so this isn't a new development as far as the OS is concerned and is also a choice for software developers to either rectify this on their end or stick w\ the std coding and let the user rectify it thru the OS-supplied "fix". Curious if this even got fixed in Win 10..............
So I just use the OS fix to rectify this issue so I get to upscale the desktop display scaling to make text & icons larger and have AHIII work properly within an upscaled Windows pane.
If anything I would be curious as to what code change(s) between AHII and AHIII (if any at all) set this up as in AHII this doesn't happen, even though AHII starts up in the same windowed mode pattern as AHIII does.
Not gonna upset me none if y'all choose to not elaborate on this as all is good on my end and I know this is not y'all's problem to solve.