Wow, what a fire drill for Frame 3. SKALPO alerted the CM's that no squad associations were in SEA 1. Every Squad had to rebuild themselves to participate in this event. Because of the early warning, we were able to alert the CO's. Building a squad from scratch is not a practiced talent. However, the CO's were there early and were able to put the vast majority of pilots back in their squads. Again, the professionalism of the FSO squads and players saved the day. <S> to Imadot and Mystic2 for running the event "from the hip." But the biggest compliment goes to you, the FSO squads and players for reacting and fixing the problems. Oh, and ALPO, any comments where I told Imadot: "This is goona suck, Glad you are the setup and not me..." Well that was just between us right? To quote Unclkurt, "Heck, we have broke more stuff than this." <S> CM Team and players. What a fun Frame 3. We were all there for you.