Author Topic: Saving 'Fields' Settings  (Read 3221 times)

Offline nrshida

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Saving 'Fields' Settings
« on: July 20, 2018, 09:22:40 AM »
Having a lot of trouble saving which planes are at what field under Arena Setup -> Fields. When I make my selection online and click save it asks for a password and whatever I put in it says 'Command not available' in not one, but two identical popup windows. A friend advised me to set it up offline and save the settings but that doesn't seem to work either.

Been hosting The Breakfast Club for almost two weeks now. Gets tiresome to have to configure the same 'Fields' list every time.

Any suggestions?


"If man were meant to fly, he'd have been given an MS Sidewinder"

Offline Easyscor

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Re: Saving 'Fields' Settings
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2018, 01:56:09 PM »
Saving to host (the server) isn't allowed to prevent your settings from messing up another arena.
You can save to a file on your hard drive and reload from there.
Otherwise, you'll need to write a script with dot commands to achieve the same.

Oh, and name the file something other then the default or it will be over-written.
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Offline nrshida

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Re: Saving 'Fields' Settings
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2018, 01:45:56 AM »
You can save to a file on your hard drive and reload from there.

Can you talk me through how to do that? I can't find a save or filenaming option.

Otherwise, you'll need to write a script with dot commands to achieve the same.

Also good to know how to do this. Is there a tutorial?

"If man were meant to fly, he'd have been given an MS Sidewinder"

Offline Easyscor

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Re: Saving 'Fields' Settings
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2018, 03:18:04 AM »
Scripts are loaded under Arena Setup/CM Tools/Scripts.

The Scripts are loaded from a folder named scripts in your Aces High III folder. If it doesn't exist, then create it.

Here is a sample of the power of scripts, save it as testscript.txt inside the scripts folder, and run it as described above.

   Change your country to bish
.country 1
   Disable all planes
.dplane 0 0
   Enable vehicle (p51 at field 1)
.eplane 1 1

   Loading variables
.vset ArenaFlags 9374
.vset BadWordFilterCnt 2

   Arena Reset Values
.vset WarWinInCountryTime 43200
.vset ResetTotalFieldCnt 1
.vset ResetAirFieldCnt 1
.vset EnemyFieldPer 1000
.vset MinBalanceTotal 70
.vset FriendlyFieldPer 0.9
.vset DaysTilTerrainChange 365

.vset BaseCountryPer 0.1
.vset CountryBalanceScale 1

   Death Counts
.vset DeathMaxCount 0
.vset DeathTimeMin 0

.vset CountryFlags[0] 3
.vset CountryFlags[1] 3
.vset CountryFlags[2] 0

   Player cfg
.vset ViewModeFlags      30
.vset CommunicationFlags  0
.vset ChangeCountryTime   0
.vset ExitWhileMoving   508
.vset PlaneGunAmmoMult    1
.vset ManGunnerAmmoMult   1
.vset PlaneAutoAmmoMult   1
.vset FuelBurnRateMult    1
.vset ManuverKillRange 6000
.vset FlightModeFlags  5120
.vset EnemyMidAirsOn        1
.vset FriendlyMidAirsOn     0
.vset TaskGroupRespawnTime 10
.vset VehicleSpawnRadius 1500

Towns and Soft gun downtime set both to 30 minutes

.vset FriendlyIconRange     9000
.vset EnemyLowIconRangeMult    0.5
.vset FullIconRange         2400

   0 Flak 1 Observer 2 Plane 3 GV
.vset StoppedIconRangeMult       0.500000
.vset ObserverSeenIconRange[0]   0
.vset ObserverSeenIconRange[1]   0
.vset ObserverSeenIconRange[2]   0
.vset ObserverSeenIconRange[3]   0
.vset PlaneSeenIconRange[0]      0
.vset PlaneSeenIconRange[1]      0
.vset PlaneSeenIconRange[2]      0
.vset PlaneSeenIconRange[3]   3000
.vset VehicleSeenIconRange[0] 7500
.vset VehicleSeenIconRange[1]  300
.vset VehicleSeenIconRange[2]    0
.vset VehicleSeenIconRange[3]    0
.vset FlakSeenIconRange[0]       0
.vset FlakSeenIconRange[1]     300
.vset FlakSeenIconRange[2]       0
.vset FlakSeenIconRange[3]       0

   Base Warning
.vset WarningFlags[0] 15
.vset WarningFlags[1] 15
.vset WarningFlags[2] 15
.vset BoatWarningRange     2600
.vset VehicleWarningRange  5280
.vset FighterWarningRange 10560
.vset BomberWarningRange  15840

.vset RadarMode[0] 569
.vset RadarMode[1] 569
.vset RadarMode[2]   0
.vset RadarAlt         300
.vset SectorCounterAlt 300
.vset SectorCounterRange   63360
.vset TowerBasedRadarRange 39600
.vset RadarUpdateRate 3

   Weapon Lethality
.vset PlaneGunLethality[0]   1
.vset PlaneGunLethality[1]   1
.vset PlaneGunLethality[2]   1
.vset WeaponLethality[0]     1
.vset WeaponLethality[1]     1
.vset WeaponLethality[2]     1
.vset GroundAutoLethality[0] 1
.vset GroundAutoLethality[1] 1
.vset GroundAutoLethality[2] 1
.vset DownTimeMult 1

   Town Strat TGs Maproom
.vset ObjectHardnessMults[9]    1
.vset StratFlags               17
.vset TownDownForCapturePer     0.20
.vset PlayerResupplyTime       10
.vset PlayerResupplyFactoryTime 4
.vset TaskGroupRespawnTime     10

.vset FogLoNearMiles 0.010000
.vset FogLoFarMiles  0.400000
.vset FogHiNearMiles 1.000000
.vset FogHiFarMiles 10.000000
.vset FogLoAltFeet 720.000000

.date 05 14 1940

.time 06 30 0
Easy in-game again.
Since Tour 19 - 2001

Offline Easyscor

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Re: Saving 'Fields' Settings
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2018, 04:05:55 AM »
I prefer scripts to Arena Tables except when another AvA Staff member might need to repair my arena setup, due to the monthly reset for instance. Arena Tables are limited to a particular terrain and setup, including planes and variables.

The reason for my scripts preference is that I can have an AvA generic settings file that works with any terrain and setup. Then I can have vehicles and field side/country in a separate script for BoB, or Mid-war, or multiple tank nights or even adding to a rolling planeset if called for.

But this post is about Arena Tables.
First, all the field ownerships, planes and variables must be properly set for the selected terrain.
Second, again under CM Tools, select Arena Tables.
Next, select <Add New> in the list box.
A textbox appears. Type an 8 character name such as "mytables" and click Save.

Note that saved variable tables are confirmed and the new "table" is listed in the available "configurations." The tables were saved to your hard drive.

To reload the tables the next time you create a custom arena with this same terrain, just double click the "mytables" table to reload it.

One of the issues I sometimes find with arena tables is unintended country rotation, which must be corrected manually.

Easy in-game again.
Since Tour 19 - 2001

Offline nrshida

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Re: Saving 'Fields' Settings
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2018, 04:33:48 AM »
Oh man, this is extremely useful, many thanks! I'll comb through this and have a meddle. Some explanation of some of the variables would be helpful for everyone.


"If man were meant to fly, he'd have been given an MS Sidewinder"

Offline Easyscor

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Re: Saving 'Fields' Settings
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2018, 04:53:06 AM »
I think they're buried on the wiki but good luck finding them. Also check the help files on the AH home page. Some of the dot commands are available in-game with .help and most will list the parameters but typing the command, such as .reset [1 2 3] for country rotate.
Easy in-game again.
Since Tour 19 - 2001