Troop Carriers
C47 s carry 15 troops
M3s carry 8 troops
Jeeps get 3
Studabaker Truck gets 10[ can be killed with 50 cals]
LVTs get 8 troops
German thingy gets 10
M3s that have field supps should be 5 to 10 mph slower due to weight
M3s carrying GV supps 5 mph slower
Jeeps carrying GV supps same 5 to 10 mph slower due to weight.
CV groups,
Introduction of LSTs for light tanks would be awesome.
Towable Howitzers for long range gunning.
combine this with a jeep as a spotter they are deadly probably 105 howitzers.
ANTI tank guns at vbases should be hardened and allowed for hat view to be able to look around.
shore batts should be attackable from air, unless built into a mountain
we should have double strats for each side to hit.
city strats could be arranged through the map and factories as well. thus making it easier to hit yet more of them to hit.
once bases that are served using those strats are taken then the strat turns color
due to the very low numbers on the game they should be decreased in cost for low numbers time.
IE less than 50 players they go down to 100, makes for interesting times.
resupply convoys of c47s escorted by bombers with auto guns would be very cool.
random missions of bombers going to strats during very low numbers would be great as well.
Carrier Groups 2.
why only one cruiser?
no torpedoes for the destroyers? why?
make boundary for cv groups so they cannot get right up to the beach, they just die!
the hardness of the cruiser right now, two salvos from enemy cruiser and its dead
Ship Radar
enemy CVs should show if they are within half radar range of CV group.
PT boat
Torps need some type of aiming ability
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