There are only a few options for stand alone throttles out there. There are custom ones from Russia available on other sim sites, and the Warthog Throttle can be found on Amazon in the USA, but not other countries, and it's expensive on its own, worth buying the entire HOTAS nearly. That leaves the CH Throttle that's been around 20 years in gameport, and nearly as long in USB, and now, the new Thrustmaster TWCS.
I'm really impressed with the new TM throttle. It's well built, metal side rails, the rest high quality plastic materials, it feels more solid than the CH throttle to me. You can google the various buttons/hats, but there are lots, as well as the rudder bar option for those that like the old Saitek x36/x45 way of controlling the rudder. The hats and buttons are very solid and positive, as is the adjustable travel of the throttle itself. It's different in shape than the CH, the hand and wrist sit more comfortably on the TM in my opinion due to this.
Size wise, from the pictures, it's a wider footprint than the CH, TM Cougar and Warthog throttles, just by a bit, however it's smaller in every other way. Very easy shape to hold on to I've found after a couple weeks of using it.
Best thing - cost. I've $58 USD on Amazon now, 1/2 of what the CH Throttle costs, or less in many cases.
No better option out there now for a stand alone throttle, especially for the cost or bang/$ ratio.