Author Topic: Staged Mission: can't Take Off WWI Airfield  (Read 393 times)

Offline CptTrips

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Staged Mission: can't Take Off WWI Airfield
« on: October 18, 2018, 09:12:09 AM »

Mission attached,394808.0.html here demonstrates the problem.

I've verified it is nothing to do with the terrain.   I created a test flat terrain.  It has nothing to do with WWI planes. I can't do it with WWII planes either.  It is something about how the WWI field object interacts with the Staged mission taxi/takeoff segments.

On one of the Waffle fields I could see the rectagular outline of the field object against the terrain.  So I placed my spawn point completely off the airfield object, out in open terrain and I could spawn there on the ground. 

I have kinda developed a theory, but I may be daft.  Zooming in really close to the spawn point and watch during "run mission" in the editor, it looks like the planes start underground and rise up out of the dirt like zombies before starting to taxi.  For AI that seems to be fine.  I've seen the AI roll through trees on taxi and not be hurt.  But as a player, I think it is spawning me underground and thinking I crashed and kills me.

And no, fiddling with the spawnpoint height and waypoint height doesn't seem to work around it.  I am pretty much convinced I've tried everything.
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Re: Staged Mission: can't Take Off WWI Airfield
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2018, 10:55:29 AM »
BTW, when this is fixed, please make sure the base field object "ww1afg" is fixed in case someone wanted to layout an WWI field in a different configuration than the default.

Toxic, psychotic, self-aggrandizing drama queens simply aren't worth me spending my time on.

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Re: Staged Mission: can't Take Off WWI Airfield
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2018, 03:26:08 PM »
I just wanted to give an update on this based on my recent experiments.  You probably already realized this, but FYI.

I eventually guessed the problem with my take off was that the tile for ww1afg was not flat.  So a normal spawn point from the tower put me on the surface, but I believe the Staged Mission logic was spawning me at terrain height which was 30ft below the surface of the square tile geometry. 

Since it spawned me underground, the game logic treated that like I had crashed and killed me instantly!

I exported the ww1afg shape and loaded it in AC3D and selected all it's verts and scaled y-axis by 0%.  Basically I flattened it. The I re-imported it thru AHObEdit.  I also had to modify the standard ww1af  tile object because now the  hangars were floating 30ft above the new surface.  :D

My new replacement ww1af works perfect now in missions.  I can spawn with a taxi waypoint without insta-death.   :aok :joystick: :airplane:

I can provide it the .ac file if it's useful, but you probably get the point.  In any case, that solution works fine for me as I am going to modify and re-arrange the base objects anyway so I'd need to re-build the ww1af tile regardless.

[note] An alternative would be to modify the Staged Mission taxi spawn logic to use the spawnpoint x,z but shoot a hit test vector to find the max y geometry intersect.  But since I don't have the source, I had to squash the tile flat.  ;)  But it looks just fine that way. 


« Last Edit: December 05, 2018, 03:43:03 PM by CptTrips »
Toxic, psychotic, self-aggrandizing drama queens simply aren't worth me spending my time on.