December 1944-January 1945. It is the time of fierce fighting in and over the Ardennes. A time of desperate all-out gambles by Germany and crushing counter attacks by the Allies. The Battle of the Bulge. Mission 760 (the largest bomber strike of WWII). Operation Bodenplatte.
Join us for the last great air battle of the Western Front, focusing on the Luftwaffe vs. the US 9th Air Force and RAF 2nd Tactical Air Force.
P-47D’s, P-51D’s, Typhoons, Spitfire XIV's, and B-26’s vs. FW 190D’s, Bf 106K’s, Bf 109G-14’s, FW 190A’s, and a few Ar 234’s.
Join us To Win the Winter Sky.
Runs at 3 pm Eastern Time on these dates:
April 18
April 25
May 2
May 9
Registration will open soon -- we will announce when it is open.
Link to writeup: you'd like to volunteer to be a CO, please send a message to Brooke or Perdue3.