I do not understand how I in any way came close to having a stroke in any of my meetings with you. Never when I am shot down by anyone do I cause any sort of scene. I may say some very interesting things when I am a bit impaired after an FSO frame, but your flamboyant representation of my behavior further serves to defame not me, but you, as the true nature of your videos are quickly revealed.
I’m not sure what a good fight in your mind is, maybe one where you hold the advantage for more than 75% of the time? As I seem to remember simply outflying you but horrifically missing my shots. I do not think this will continue to be the case, and I am sure you will never return to match play with me again as this was the only time you graced me with your presence there, and it was also the only time I did not ask to go.
In conclusion, a message from the deepest part of my heart to the AH community: Mindy is a man.