September's KOTH was another good event filled with great dog fights and a few new names too. Rylee's first KOTH resulted in a TOC invitation. The event lasted 90 minutes but only had 7 rounds. We had 7 people counting me, a rare event, but did manage to get 3 wabbits. Train 45 had the biggest teeth of the three this month.
Congratulations to train45 and -{S}-. The Bf 109K-4 was chosen as October's first chariot of battle. Hope to see you there next month!
Round by round results:
1} Rylee in a P-39D
2} Eagler in a Seafire
3} Rylee in a Bf 109F-4 {Wabbit}
4} train45 in a Bf 109K-4
5} train45 in a P-40N {Wabbit}
6} Eagler in a Fw 190A-5 {Wabbit}
7} train45 wins in a P-38G
Train45, Eagler, Rylee, and SEViper {kills} earn reservations to the TOC.
We also have a attendance slot that I'll have to update and may ask for your input.
Logs can be found at