Author Topic: Yale Professor Attacked Over Halloween Costumes Says We've Evolved To Get Along  (Read 591 times)

Offline Arlo

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Offline Arlo

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Offline Arlo

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Offline TryHard

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We've "evolved" to be offended at anything and everything.
Thin skinned generation of swine, and I know that being that generation.

Offline Arlo

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We've "evolved" to be offended at anything and everything.
Thin skinned generation of swine, and I know that being that generation.

Any and everything? Really? Or is it any and everything that does not offend you (a singular exception in that)? Or is it a subset of humanity offended by such (a more than singular exception)? Did you not note in every video the example of differences? Understanding each other (and each other's differences) leads to greater understanding of self. Refusal to do so has a tendency to deny introspection. Ack would have appreciated this opportunity for conversation, methinks. :)

Offline TryHard

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Any and everything? Really? Or is it any and everything that does not offend you (a singular exception in that)? Or is it a subset of humanity offended by such (a more than singular exception)? Did you not note in every video the example of differences? Understanding each other (and each other's differences) leads to greater understanding of self. Refusal to do so has a tendency to deny introspection. Ack would have appreciated this opportunity for conversation, methinks. :)
I could only sit through about 4 minutes of that video before I realized this more cringe than I could handle at my current fundamental state of entropy.

Further more using the quadratic equation to logically deduce and decide that humans haven't really evolved much from the primate self that is cloaked inside our masks of a "society".
Through generally relativity I came to the conclusion that we can understand each other as much as we wish, and understanding each other is well n good. After all we are all the same specious but when understanding turns into slowly giving up freedom of expression for the sake of feelings not being hurt I fear we stray too far away from reality. And reality after all we try to do to make it soft and unoffensive is indifferent to our feelings or suffering.

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-Abraham Lincolns last tweeter post before being killed

Offline Arlo

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... but when understanding turns into slowly giving up freedom of expression for the sake of feelings not being hurt I fear we stray too far away from reality. And reality after all we try to do to make it soft and inoffensive is indifferent to our feelings or suffering.

That wasn't suggested, neither by me nor in the content of the videos you refuse to completely watch.  :)

Offline TryHard

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That wasn't suggested, neither by me nor in the content of the videos you refuse to completely watch.  :)
Well, forgive me for having such low tolerance for cringe.

The title of the thread is "Yale Professor attacked over Halloween Costume"
Assuming he didn't dress up as Adolf Hitler he was attacked over his freedom of expression. Which sometimes is deserved, for example if someone dressed up as Adolf Hitler for Halloween.

However in the eyes of our modern society dressing up as the Land-O-Lakes butter girl would be considered cultural appropriation, which basically makes you Hitler.

Offline Arlo

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Sometimes ya gotta get past the title to understand the content. I merely used the title given. Then I watched the video. Then I looked for more to back it up (even if there was some redundancy). The first two and a half minutes of the first video is anything but what you claim. Christakis does not exhibit thin skin (nor does his wife). The content has more to do with natural selection and the propensity for cooperation to lead to survivability versus strict individuality.

Offline TryHard

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Christakis does not exhibit thin skin (nor does his wife)

Never claimed he did, his "attackers" who I was referring too 

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      • IceCreamOnMars
We've "evolved" to be offended at anything and everything.
Thin skinned generation of swine, and I know that being that generation.


Evolved to get along? LOL!

Things are getting worse by the day. People are now "traumatized" and offended at everything. The world is going right down the toejamter. ICOM for short.

Offline Meatwad

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Look at the blue check meltdowns. Entitled people having a meltdown over their precious " blue check"
See Rule 19- Do not place sausage on pizza.
I am No-Sausage-On-Pizza-Wad.
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