Is the Spit 16 still maybe the best all rounder ?
From a fighter perspective, yes. One of the best fighters in the game, If not the best. Why? Acceleration, Cannons, ability to dive, ability to climb, ability to outurn almost anything. One of the few planes that can do a triple emmilman. I've always felt it should be perked like old spit14 was.
The biggest reason why it doesn't have a better overall K/D is because people don't fly it right and get caught up in the turn n burn too easily and get picked. Its not the fastest, so people get caught and don't have the defensive skills to perform reversals, and this also leads to being gang. Knowing ACM and SA is a big must in spits.
The reason why BnZ planes generally have a better overall K/D, is because people don't try to turn fight in them, it's a lot easier to hit X and zoom away from trouble rather than have to fight your way out of it.