Author Topic: Osama?  (Read 462 times)

Offline Mayhem

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« Reply #15 on: January 22, 2002, 11:01:40 AM »
Originally posted by Eaglecz

your bases like those were 'official' reason to make al qaida .. do you know that ?

Actually I thought it was more becuase they let soldiers like me into Meca. And to be perfectly honest we were invited. Suadi made a half bellybutton but polite attempt at trying to convert us to Islam. Some soldiers were invited into high ranking Suadi Military personels homes. I disagree with some aspects of there culture such as dressing women like old furnature buy putting a sheet over there face and body (makes dating a Pain) there aversion to alcoholic beverages and there take on skin (as in nudety). However I did respect it. They never "Inspected" my care packages from home. I never peddled my porn and vodka to thier people. They never forced there religion down my throat I never rubbed thier face in mine. they never fliped me off I never showed them the bottom of my feet or did the lefty handshake. once you get past some fo the cultural difrences Suadi people are very polite but strict people. Those muslem soldiers invited to meca felt privladged to make the pillgrimage. Those of us that were non-mulsim Felt very privledged and all of us where on our best behavor. Those soldiers that were stationed in and around meca where pilot considerate and conducted themselfs in a profesional manor. I spent most of my time at KFIA, KKMC and daharan. The Suadi's even went as far as to set up a resort on thier half moon bay for use by US service men and women with next to no restrictions In other words female servicemen were not requared to cover themselfs up and where allowed to go on the beach in bakini's. We were never harrassed or bothered by the resort staff or any other local people in the area. I never saw conflicts between US personel and Suadi Personel or Nationals. There where little or no incidents at all. Osama Is pissed off that we were there. we didn't desicrate his holy cities we were honarred to even being allowed there, Hell we were invited and the US was still reluctant in allowing US military personell in or around Meca or Medina. Even those military personell that were Muslim. Osama just hates the US he hates any and all people that are not arab muslims and even then he still hates them if they don't conform to his standards of what an arab muslim should be. He hates people based off of race relegion sex and ethnic group. Add in the mass murder he is responsible for and you have the makings of Nazi war criminal.
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