Author Topic: Buff perk points mistake?  (Read 231 times)


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Buff perk points mistake?
« on: February 02, 2001, 02:00:00 PM »
Today I took a Lanc to Bish city with 14 1000 pounders. I did this just to see how many points a person can rack up droping on a target like the city. I droped all eggs and got a ton of "city building destroyed" and ack kills. I also killed a bish 109 above the city between runs. Took only little damage, lost my right elevator. Went back east and landed at a field, .efluffied and got a landed succesfully message. All this and 4.9 perkpoints? When you can get almost 50 perks with a ju88 over a barracks, getting under 5 with a lank over city AND shooting down a ftr just doesnt seem right? Does it, or is this just me? Maybe a lanc flight is viewed as much easier then a ju88? oh well.
Oh yea saw some rooks over target too. i quickly aranged a peace agreement and we worked together. hehe. thanks CavemanJ. damn those rooks look like there organized.

[This message has been edited by hogfarmr (edited 02-02-2001).]

Offline Mickey1992

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Buff perk points mistake?
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2001, 02:31:00 PM »
I too believe that this has to be a bug.  Hopefully we will soon have some word regarding this from HTC.  It sort of ruins the entire perk point economy.

Offline Ripsnort

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Buff perk points mistake?
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2001, 02:34:00 PM »
I think all perkies since inception should be null and void since alot of folks are just focusing on Barracks and the such to gain perkies...


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Buff perk points mistake?
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2001, 02:51:00 PM »
I think perks are great when scored correctly. Of course ppl will want to kill barracks and cities for perks, thats what perks, imo, were made for. to get people to attack strategic targets, just like in real life. all the pure furball dweebs will still furball, perks or no perks. but most of the arena will start to realize along with getting their perks, by taking out enemy targets like barracks it makes taking fields and other normal opps easy and more effective. this will lead to a much more strategic, realistic and historic MA.

But... back to my first post, i think we need to make sure we get the points system set up right to start with. otherwise many people will lose intrest very quickly.
I think the points need to be rewarded to people who have done something that effects the map directly or indirectly. IE points for killing buffs and other enmy trgts over friendly cities, hq and other big targets. and less points for killing the same planes in a furball type situation.

just my 2 cents

Offline Mickey1992

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Buff perk points mistake?
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2001, 03:22:00 PM »
If this is indeed found to be a bug, maybe they can adjust the current perk point totals?  On the scores page, it currently shows every kill you have, and what type of plane/vehicle it was.  Maybe the DB also knows every object you have destroyed?  So if the perks awarded were adjusted for a certain kill, this would retroactively adjust your score?

I think that there may be a mutany if they ended up resetting the current perks to zero.

Offline Torgo

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Buff perk points mistake?
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2001, 06:01:00 PM »
Originally posted by hogfarmr:
I think perks are great when scored correctly. Of course ppl will want to kill barracks and cities for perks, thats what perks, imo, were made for. to get people to attack strategic targets, just like in real life. all the pure furball dweebs will still furball, perks or no perks. but most of the arena will start to realize along with getting their perks, by taking out enemy targets like barracks it makes taking fields and other normal opps easy and more effective. -hogfarmr

Its too damn easy to do repetitively in off-hours (dozen people on line for each country.)

I'd sort of wondered where the obscene totals of perkies people were reporting they had came from...

After getting 15-20 points a P-47 sortie (fighter points, of course) whacking an AAA factory, now I know.