Author Topic: Kills going to the wrong player?  (Read 147 times)

Offline eddiek

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Kills going to the wrong player?
« on: April 29, 2002, 05:22:53 PM »
Just logged out of the MA, seeing some weird stuff in there today
Upped from V23 in a PNZR, killed a couple GV's, started firing on an enemy M8......when my shells hit the ground, they ricocheted back at me!  From 2800 yards to boot!:confused:
Okay, I hear a plane diving on me, pop to the pintle MG, see a Spit diving, he drops an egg, I die, no prob.
V23 now ded, I go to V44 and wait for the VH to come back up, all the while watching an enemy PNZR creep over the northern hill.
Waited a few minutes, the VH came up, I popped up in an Osty, we duked it out, I lost.......same guy got credit for killing me.  Weird thing was, his kill of me in the Spit was #8, he kills me in a tank and it is #9......??????
Upped one more time in a PNZR, same thing, I hit the enemy a few times, he hits me, I died......same player got credit for the kill.
However...........this player who is getting credit for nailing me is STILL IN HIS SPITFIRE near V23.  He was never near A44, never in a PNZR, yet still got kill credits.
WTF is up with the MA?
I ain't accusing anyone of anything, I am just confused as to what is screwed up in there right now.

Offline Wlfgng

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Kills going to the wrong player?
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2002, 05:29:11 PM »
yep it's all screwed up.

All the kills are supposed to go to WLFGNG!!!! damnit!

sorry eddie.. couldn't resist :)

Offline ramzey

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Kills going to the wrong player?
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2002, 10:36:25 AM »
yes, This person should be punished . cut him net down, and disable account :)

i cane call him a chiter on supersonic spit with unlimited fuel & amno
:eek: :D :D :D


Offline hblair

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Kills going to the wrong player?
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2002, 10:52:42 AM »
I am soooo upset by this. I just got off the phone with HT and he said he'd give all kill credits to me. Honest he did! ;)

Sorry eddie. :)

Offline Don

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Kills going to the wrong player?
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2002, 11:27:40 AM »

I'm hearin ya Pal ;)
Basically you were getting killed by a guy who can't be in two places at one time, yet he was getting all of the kills on you while he was somewhere else.
I have also seen weird things happening in the MA when the lag defies logic. I simply attribute the weirdness to the arena and lag and leave it at that. I either log off or go fight some where else.

Offline EvilDingo

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Kills going to the wrong player?
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2002, 11:41:01 AM »
It was probably a GV the entire time. The spitfire must not have gotten credit for the kill when he bombed you.


Offline ramzey

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Kills going to the wrong player?
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2002, 02:02:43 PM »
at start sry for my eng

i fly over hour near v2-v23-v44
at start spit suprise me when i was hvy /3 eggs on spi/t, i drop bombs and kill attacker, thats was 1 st kill, later i fly near v23, as remember kill m3 by guns, hurri, 109, spitfire&202 in furrbal over 23 and little west of him, back to v1, relaod, start and climb NW.
After couple min. reach v23, saw smoke /v23 was disable/, when  fly to v44 somone start shooting to me from the ground, somone call me 6 /proppobly those m8/. I look on the ground and saw bishop who shoot to panzer, panzer hirrible miss, and bullet from m8 hit ground near panzer.I make circle and set sun on my back, dive and drop 2x250, kill the panzer
After that go to v44 to search another trg, when reach v44 i saw duel between our tank with gv sitting 20 ft from vh, dive &drop x500lbs, kill him, climb watch & wait for  next trg.
Couple secound later saw next panzer, dive & start shooting from my hospano /start at range 400, he got 20-30 x 20mm/ he die
I climb and wait for another tgr, when saw him dive and kill him same method and fast brake right bicose b26 drop your load to VH and disable. After that climb and rtb to N, safe land with half amno i toke 10 kills in 2 sorties, or mby 3 dont remember now.

Its so strange?

thats all

« Last Edit: April 30, 2002, 02:05:16 PM by ramzey »

Offline Turbot

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Kills going to the wrong player?
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2002, 03:41:53 PM »
I have seen really wierd stuff....  Saw this guy shoot down someone, shot at him some but I was low ammo and ran out of bullets.  Some strange UFO I chased for 10 minutes or so.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2002, 03:46:54 PM by Turbot »

Offline eddiek

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Kills going to the wrong player?
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2002, 03:51:19 PM »
Aww heck, ramzey.........

Water under the bridge now, but it sure surprised me when I spawned at V44 less than two minutes after you got me near V23.  I heard you drop an egg the first time, so there was no way you could have rtb'd and come back.
As to the stuff at V44, before I upped in the Osty (first death there) I looked all around and there weren't any planes in sight.
I know the difference between the sound of 20mm aircraft fire hitting armor vs a 75mm shell ending your sortie.  That, and you can hear aircraft coming in AH now.
Same with the second death.  No planes in sight, brief exchange of gunfire with the other PNZR, I hear a 75mm shell hit and I died.  No aircraft engine noises at any time, no 20mm cannon fire at any time.
I chalk it up to a blip somewhere in the server.
No harm done, no offense taken.........:)