Author Topic: fuel settings wrong??  (Read 702 times)

Offline icemaw

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fuel settings wrong??
« on: April 27, 2002, 01:29:06 AM »
I think we may have had a problem with the fuel burn settings or something. Becuase no one that took of from cv48 to hit port and cruiser had nuff fuel at 100% to make it to target and then 1/2 way to recovery base. We could not even have recovered to cv48
it was too far away also. This was a 1 way trip from the time of take off.  Yes we did conserve fuel had man pressure at 55 the whole way untill bogs sighted 1 and 1/2 sec out from target.
 Was this the plan for 3 squads to go on a 1 way mission?:confused:
 Dont get me wrong we had a great time just bummer we all ran outta gas:D
 Also about the tonnage to kill the cruiser what was it set to? I havent looked at film but I am sure we put at least 10k on it we dove in with 10 or more f6s with 2k and rockets and it did not go down.
Army of Das Muppets     
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Offline Wotan

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fuel settings wrong??
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2002, 01:46:12 AM »
every mission that I sent guys on as axis co I did fuel consumtion tests.

As axis co I never thought a cv strike at the port to be viable. I believed either mossies or buffs. I really expected buffs due to the intense ack at the ports.

The CMs them selves simple send out objectives its up to the side cos to put together a workable plan.

To answer your question no the fuel mod was set at 1.5 standard for tod.

abit of advice though. always do a pre-tod flight check and adjust you load outs acordingly. It sux running out of fuel :)

also that "cruiser" at p27 p29 is a fixed object and has been that way since this map came out. I dont know if your orders were to sink those ships but again a pre tod fight check would have showed you this as well. I did test flights and jabo run there as axis co and expected  buffs to be used against the port facilities.

I had thought this to be the safest, surest way to destroy the port with minimal resources.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2002, 01:51:34 AM by Wotan »

Offline icemaw

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fuel settings wrong??
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2002, 02:49:35 AM »
I normally do a prerun but due to time constrants I was not able to tonight. Also not knowing where the cv was seemed pointless anyways. Oh well live and learn :D
Army of Das Muppets     
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Offline Wotan

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fuel settings wrong??
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2002, 04:19:16 AM »
oh didnt realize the allied co didnt have an idea where the cv would be set :(

thats makes a big difference when making pre tod checks :(

you guys smacked the crap out of the ports though :) S!

Offline icemaw

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fuel settings wrong??
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2002, 04:48:03 AM »
I dont know if he knew if he did it wasent pssed on with the orders.
Army of Das Muppets     
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Offline Sikboy

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fuel settings wrong??
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2002, 07:10:18 AM »
We had one guy make it back to A5. But he had to dump ord early when he became engaged. So that helped. The rest of us go picked off by the waffles after our drop. For a while, once we got to 20k, we were down to 35 manifold pressure (this is around when I asked about moving the CV lol).

You: Blah Blah Blah
Me: Meh, whatever.

Offline skernsk

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fuel settings wrong??
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2002, 09:33:56 AM »
Here is the strat map.  The CV is marked.  I am surprised that the planes could not make it to an objective and back.  I did not want to put it too close.  I wonder if the CV wandered way out of the red square.

Offline DRILL

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fuel settings wrong??
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2002, 10:16:55 AM »
ice i did have missgivings on the fuel issue so i loaded up our f4s with 1 bomb n drop tank as i could not do so with the f6f ....
i did run on internal fuel so we would have a little over 75 %
then back to drop tank made it to target with abought  16 or 17 gal still in drop tank we did some damage to the port but emy fleet ack did a number on us i beleave we would have had enough fuel to make it back ok .... was the main reasion i took the f4s
we had bought 200 miles round trip to target and refuel base i did not think the f6 could do it if any DF had to be done .

  my only regreat was not shareing this fear with all involved
   on hitting the targets asighned :(  ... ( i realy think i should have said someting due to past problums with fuel )
Drill /384th FA/CH 364th

Offline 214thCavalier

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fuel settings wrong??
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2002, 01:00:49 PM »
F6F-5 could easily do that distance carrying  2 x 1k bombs and 6 roks with 100% fuel.
You just need to know the plane and how to fly for economy, under these conditions above the F6F can stay aloft for 125 minutes and cover 360 map miles at 1.5 burn rate of course if you drop ord at or before half distance then the range is extended.
I cant speak for the F4U as i have not spent time checking it but as the F6F and F4U basicly have very similar engines i will say that MAP of 55 is not anywhere near an economy setting.
Mag 33 experienced the same lack of fuel in a previous scenario so i put a lot of time into getting best loaded range with F6F to make sure we were not embarrassed again.
To give you an idea you can climb to same height say 12,000ft and cruise at the same speed, and best cruise speed IS 168 mph IAS thats about 210 TAS i think from memory and factually correct for the F6F-5 anyway the point is just by altering MAP and engine RPM but keeping to same airspeed and altitude achievable range can alter from a worst of 160 to a best of 360 map miles at 1.5 burn.
And fuel consumption while Heavy increases dramatically above 17k.
Best tip has to be know your ride and if in doubt try to find info on the net as the AH best cruise speed for F6F-5 matches the published figures so i guess its a safe bet the other aircraft will as well.