The popular monthly event that many who flew in Air Warrior enjoyed is coming to Aces High on May 31st in the Special Events Arena at 10 PM Eastern. Details on how the event will be run can be found here. Aub will be the first CM to host this event.
WHO: All Aces Highers are invited and encouraged to attend
WHEN: May the 31st at 10 est
WHERE: Special Events Arena
WHAT: Challenging, good natured fun with some of your fellow Aces High pilots
All participants meet at the field.
The reigning AH KOTH from the previous month will choose the plane for that night.
Each time a match is won, the winner of that match chooses the plane for the following match.
Fuel and ammo loads are at each pilots’ personal choice.
Only fighter aircraft are allowed for AH KOTH tourney play. No buffs.
Everyone takes off in different directions when the CM orders you to launch.
No winging. The AH KOTH is a free-for-all event.
Once at 5k, the CM will call go, everyone then turns and engages. Its a free for all boys (and ladies)!!
Last one flying wins the match.
Win 3 matches and you are the AH KOTH (Aces High King of the Hill) for the month and can proudly proclaim yourself as the KOTH.
During each match, if you run out of ammo you must immediately bail from your plane (you lose), unless you are one of the last two remaining participants in that match. If we have a large number of participants, I have no doubt that many people will run out of ammo before everyone is shot down. We don't want a bunch of people flying around, without ammo, seeing who can fly the longest without crashing. If you didn't use your ammo wisely, you haven't earned a win. However, if you are one of the last two participants in that match, then the fight continues.
During each match, if you run out of fuel you must immediately bail from your plane (you lose). Landing a glider and hoping no one sees you, until everyone has been killed, will not be considered a win. Also, if you didn't calculate you fuel usage properly, you haven't earned a win. To conserve fuel, you may chop or reduce your throttle, but may not turn off your engine. As with ammo, if you are one of the last two participants in that match, and you run out of fuel, then the fight continues.
The merge altitude is 5k. You may exceed 5k when performaning manuevers while engaged. The "Cap Alt" is 8k. If you exceed the 8k "Cap Alt", you are out and should immediately bail from your plane (you lose). You may not loiter above the 5k merge alt. If you are not engaged, you must go back down to the 5k limit.
HAVE FUN!!!! For more information, check out the Events Calendar.
Please reply if you plan to attend so we can get a feel for how many may show up !