Author Topic: Esme and Gearup... SALUTE!  (Read 101 times)

Offline Odee

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Esme and Gearup... SALUTE!
« on: June 29, 2002, 11:38:02 PM »
Today I had the rare pleasure to take on TWO of Aces High's members that are true to the 'spirit of the game"...

Esme, whom I have known in Dawn of Aces, and a new acquiantance, Gearup, were flying Luft buffs in the CT early today.  Me, being a member of the 332nd Flying Mongrels, took the to the skies for the Allies to defend an airbase being dive bombed.  Of course, being the gentleman I am, I announced my intentions in friendly banter of the era.  "Scab ridden Luftwaffle, prepare to die...!"

No, no, I didn't really say that, since it was only the three of us in the arena and I didn't want them grabbing friends to rape me. hehe.

We had a long protracted fight near the Luft base, where the evil Hun tired to coax me into their AAA.  Ahh, but I am far wiser than that, after many deaths promiscuously at the hands of the Luft Accu-flak(tm) and slipped out of reach.  

Three kills I made, then the lowly Spitoon mkV I rode was out of ammo.  Arghh. now the fun begins...

They swooped for the kill!
I countered with a chandele. ;)
They teamed up, sharing attacks!
I watched as they augered.:D
They shot my engine!:mad:
Bloody hell, what am I hanging around for?
They let me leave!  *unheard of!*:eek:
I stalled on ditching and died!  :rolleyes:  

FOCLMAO..!  Great fight you two, and I salute you and KG2 for uncommon sportspersonship, and all around fun flying!


PS  I say sportsperson because Esme, my friend from DoA, is one, if not THE, best female pilot it has ever been my pleasure to know. ;)

PPS Gearup?  A little patience in that 190 and you'll be extremely lethal my new friend.  Keep at it and good hunting to you both  >S<
~Nobodee~   Get Poached!
Elite: Dangerous ~ Cmd Odeed