Author Topic: CB map....  (Read 470 times)

Offline NUTTZ

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CB map....
« on: July 10, 2002, 03:41:51 AM »
I tried an Idea which I think will help the 512X512 maps with 255 fields. Heres my idea, It's just a draft, but can be done with alittle more effort to keep it precise to the real map.

I made some tiles that are the exact colors as these and saved them in the folder. you can run the same releif map threw the editor using a lower altitude and these tiles. once opened up hit "MAKE MAP" once saved goback to your original .elv file and put back your Original tiles. Now take the map and I run it threw a procees that 3d's it, I use "Plastic" in corelpaint, ( but many other programs can do simular things). Rename the .BMP and there you go.

I copied the textures from photos of ww2 maps. IMO We really don't NEED to see a realistic map since the elevations are displayed on the Clip board  thanx to HTC. Also i have no grids in the water, in this map there are very little whole bodies of water that fill up a whole 25 mile grid. The Less IMO on the CB map the less cluttered it looks.


HiTech, I noticed in one of the TE folders the Different size grids used . Is this the .BMP the TE grabs to add the grids and Coorinates to the map? If so can I change the grid line colors to reflect in my map?


Offline brady

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CB map....
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2002, 04:29:45 AM »
It is a very imteresting approach to a very anoying aspect of game play, the clutter factor is very high now days do all the important info that must be presented to get players into and out of battle on the MA maps we have, this approach seams to be a good one from a players perspective, simplyfing the back ground would help to clarify things, the world around us would be the same our referance maps would be easy to read and quicken our response time.

Offline hitech

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CB map....
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2002, 08:07:17 AM »
The editor does not use a bmp grid to make the lines, it generates it on the fly.

One trick you can use to get a grid overlay is just make one in an all blue terrain. That way you can adjust the line color you wan't.

We typicly use the overlay and shoot the map with out grid lines. This lets us change the grid line colors on a layer to beter stand out over the different terrain colors.

The only thing i would sugest on your map color is that you continue grid lines over the water.

Other than that I like the relief map look. Also you might want to pick a shade that best contrast the red and green. Just a reminder have no idea how well that color does.

Also if posible, slightly different tint for each zone might look realy cool and give a sense of zone boundries.

Offline BenDover

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CB map....
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2002, 01:48:10 PM »

would there be any possibility that in a future release of the TE, that it would do an atlas style map, you know different colours for different elevations.

User definable alts for colours would be nice too.

Offline NUTTZ

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CB map....
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2002, 07:44:03 PM »
HiTech, I snapped  new grid lines Exactly over yours, and saved it and then pasted it over Both Perdonia and Tunisia and the sector bars are off. Remember?


Originally posted by hitech
The editor does not use a bmp grid to make the lines, it generates it on the fly.

One trick you can use to get a grid overlay is just make one in an all blue terrain. That way you can adjust the line color you wan't.

We typicly use the overlay and shoot the map with out grid lines. This lets us change the grid line colors on a layer to beter stand out over the different terrain colors.

The only thing i would sugest on your map color is that you continue grid lines over the water.

Other than that I like the relief map look. Also you might want to pick a shade that best contrast the red and green. Just a reminder have no idea how well that color does.

Also if posible, slightly different tint for each zone might look realy cool and give a sense of zone boundries.

Offline Furious

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CB map....
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2002, 07:28:53 PM »
A combination of your giving the CB map a 3d look and Dux's graphics would be very nice.

Dux's graphics: