Author Topic: A stroll in the park  (Read 956 times)

Offline Hangtime

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A stroll in the park
« on: January 30, 2000, 11:45:00 AM »
The folks you meet here...

Mission.. close and capture f23 and f24. We were there in force (bishops) for about 2 hours. During one incredible moment there were 7 or 8 knight defenders in the air, as many more on the runway. Carnage.. everywhere you looked; an explosion sprite marked the death of another AC, both knit and bish. A virtual rain of plane parts from the sky. 8 C47's have perished in the attempts so far.

During a fight like this I'm constantly 'switching' icons from plane type to name.. looking for our C47's. Here comes one.. on the deck. I pull off of the plane I'm chasing, swing around and begin to focus on whats immediatly in front of him.. I get two more as they try for him; but they keep comming. I look back for the C47.. He's LANDING!

The picture is muddled.. snippets of action all around him.. two auger trying to get to him.. another flamed by TBOLT. The C47, now on his rollout taxies parallel to the runway.. still filled with enemy fighters trying desperatly to lift off.. to gun the C47, or to aviod getting slaughtered by the bishes in the backfield doing the orbits of 'death from above'.

Astounded.. I've never seen anything like it! The old gooney; in the middle of a furious fight, landing like it was LAX or Dulles. The C47 has STOPPED! It's next to the regen point.. not twenty feet away from the re-upping knits! The battle at the regen point is furious.. the runway is cleared; but for every killed fighter; two more appear in its place. The circle of vuching fighters is nearly continous.. one after another at half second intervals is focusing its guns on the regen spot next to the parked Dakota. Finally; one of the defenders gets his guns on it.. it explodes.

I pull off; looking back up the runway towards the map room, looking for the paras.
Someone types.. "Did you get the troops out??"

The answer from the miracle gooney.. "What troops?"

Salute to the gooney drivers! They may not all be rocket scientists; but gawdamn are they ever entertaining!


"I looked, and behold; a Pale Horse, and it's riders name was Death, and Hell followed with him" Rev 6.8
The price of Freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness... home, or abroad.

Offline Gator

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A stroll in the park
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2000, 11:59:00 AM »
LMAO!  Excellent post!  

Gotta have been an ex-Dawn of Aces pilot on that gooney ...  

Offline Sunchaser

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A stroll in the park
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2000, 12:30:00 PM »
That is a GREAT one.

I think my brother in law musta been the Gooney Bird pilot!


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A stroll in the park
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2000, 12:46:00 AM »
 He HEH. No I wont say it. To easy.

 Good one hang.

Offline Sunchaser

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A stroll in the park
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2000, 01:16:00 PM »
Speaking about the antics of those
"LOONEY GOONEY BIRD JOCKS" get a load of this one:

After saveral disasterous attempts the Gooney Bird pilot was finally gonna make it into the base and  unload all those smelly, noisy guys in the back.

The cap was actually capping and acks did not come up when he was four feet off the drop zone.

Things were going great, hell he even remembered to open the doors this time and the map bunker was directly in his flight path.

"This lousy rathole of a base is MINE!"
 he yelled as he hit ENTER.

Can you imagine my...errr his surprise as he hit the ground?

Offline MarkVZ

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A stroll in the park
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2000, 02:33:00 PM »
Hangtime, I think I was the one who killed that goon, was taking a break from the bish for a night.  I was at 23 and the fighter cap was excellent, being vulched every 20 seconds, and I'm desperately trying to get a 26 up to deathstar the vulchers...then I see it.  A lone C47 lands at the far end of the field by the maproom, a perfect landing and great placement.  At this point I'm almost positive the field is a goner, but I can't give up...must fight to the time to launch from another field...but then a flicker of hope.  This disoriented goon taxies right for me, seeming to ignore my presence. After being vulched a few times and persistantly coming back, he's slowing to a stop right in front of me.  What the heck?  Is this too good to be true? I didn't see any troops out yet...this was my chance! Now or never!  I open up on this disoriented fellow with my four forward firing 50's and boom, he's gone in a brillant explosion of flames and smoke, while a few cons make an elegant sweep on me through the billowing smoke cloud.
Not the smartest if you ask me, that field would have EASILY been captured had I flown that goon!  Please don't steroetype us goon guys because of the stupidity of some   :P  

Mark VanZwoll
33rd Strike Group

Offline Westy

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A stroll in the park
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2000, 02:37:00 PM »
 <Pepsi spray out the nose> oh cod this is so codamn funny.


Offline Hangtime

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A stroll in the park
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2000, 05:55:00 PM »
Lord no.. never meant any of my discourse as a negative fer gooney pilots.. dammo; those boys get all the help I can give.. and deserve all they can get.

It's just that, like in all other things; when the fur is really flyin little scenes sometimes stand out and become indelibly etched in your memory. The scene at that base was one of those... and thru the carnage and mayhem comes this C47, non-plussed, unconcerned.. a stroll thru the park.  .. I was truly awestruck. Gooney pilots are obviously a breed apart; worthy of respect from the pilots of the gunned ships.. takes big brass ones to fly around without a snowballs chance in hell of makin it back without help.

I'm still smiling. And that gooney pilot learned a heluva lot that night.. it was his first night on line and he went on to make three succesful drops later.

I've said it before; I'll say it again.. Hats off to you gooney drivers; no matter what country yah fly for. Yer all aces as far as I'm concerned. So, here's a little ditty just fer you guys who fly the old Gooney.

"They say to fly a Gooney yah need flash;
..and that yer balls need be constructed of brass;
So when they jangle together;
They'll play 'Stormy Weather';
And then lightning will blow outta yer ass."


On several occasions I've caught one all alone; waiting for the call in for a drop or just en-route. I always try to call em.. say on the open channel "c47 SE field XX; dump them troops NOW and yah can go home unmolested"

None has ever taken me up on the offer; but it IS a good offer. If he unloads those troops; I'll escort him back to his airspace. Go figure.   They always try to push in tho... and try their damndest get that field.

Brave bunch; them Gooney drivers. Tried it myself a buncha times. Made it only once. I ain't brave enuff to do THAT every night. Never felt so damn helpless; 'cept when I'm inna chute myself. (Creamo Yah Bum; hope to hell yah ain't gunnin the chutes of gooney drivers.. not that I ever saw one bail..)

"We don't need no silly GUNS; we got stinking airborne DRUNKS, willin SHEEPS and NEVER have ta buy the beer."

..unknown AH Gooney driver, typed while drillin bravely thru the enemy cap..



"I looked, and behold; a Pale Horse, and it's riders name was Death, and Hell followed with him" Rev 6.8
The price of Freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness... home, or abroad.

Offline Sunchaser

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A stroll in the park
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2000, 11:34:00 PM »
Me either guys, as you may have guessed, I...errr my brother in law was the guy who hit enter.

I laughed all the way down but it musta irked the cappers to witness such a dumb move and the drunks were really pissed...for a second or two.