Author Topic: Active Infrastructure  (Read 1031 times)

Neil Reed

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Active Infrastructure
« on: November 09, 1999, 12:36:00 AM »
I think that what most online flight sims are missing is a good yet simple infrastucture that supports the war effort and can be felt in the game. By this I do not mean just the large factory and refinery sights that can only be knocked out from the big bombers. What I think is needed to increase long term playability is the small support units that are needed to supply the airfields, No I have no idea how hard that would be to code.

It need be no more complex than a chain of units controled by the system that travel from factories, refineries, cities, to the main airfields, and from there out to the forward fields. When the Train, Truck convoy, cargo-ship convoy or perhaps a c-47 airdrop reaches the field it gets repairs and supplies.

This method will increase play by giving a true pupose to those fighter bomber guys, and it will give one more thing for the straight fighter jocks to protect in order to keep a field open after it has been hit. It will of course add to the difficulty of balancing the field capture peramiters. It may be easier to take a field with the fighter/bombers keeping under supplied, but it will be much harder to keep a captured field when it so far forward of the supply lines.

Just a thought let me know what you think.



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Active Infrastructure
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 1999, 12:49:00 AM »
anyone remember the 47 drones in air war i loved it, as i remember a when a base was hit in a short period of time a drone (low) 47 would fly from one base to another woth supplys (they got through more that youi would think) it semms like free vulch but you could get kills on the low guys goin after um i loved it.


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Active Infrastructure
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 1999, 02:07:00 AM »
I think a more active strat system would be very nice too.

I stopped playing Warbirds last spring.  It got to be to boring to do the same thing all the time.  Dogfight and take bases.  Been there.  Done that.

If there were alot more to do in AH I would love it.  Right now I could play it for free, but hardly ever do because I just don't feel like doing so.  There are no new features to try out.

Naval combat would be nice.  Not a carrier group to assault land bases with, but true carrier vs carrier fights.

Ground strat with trains and convoys doing the resupply and a feeling that there is an army of some sort below me too.  Airforces allow ground forces to advance with ease, not do the whole damned thing themselves.

I don't want to play Dogfighter anymore.  I want to play Air Campain.

Hans, seriously looking at WW2 Online.

[This message has been edited by Hans (edited 11-09-1999).]


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« Reply #3 on: November 09, 1999, 02:20:00 AM »
Also check out Airwarrior:Veitnam.


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« Reply #4 on: November 09, 1999, 07:52:00 AM »
Dudes, AW3 ETO Arena introduced Strategic Bombing a few months ago. In fact they closed down the MAC AW so they could use the equiptment, well 95% of all flyers stay in the PAC arena because its to much work to organize a stike deep into enemy teritory, knock out their factorys & depots and wait out the front line airstrips as they run out of ammo & fuel.
I'm all for ground targets & Strategic Bombing, that my friends & foes is how a war is won.

Pony Driver

Offline rosco-

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« Reply #5 on: November 09, 1999, 08:00:00 AM »
  "Naval combat would be nice. Not a carrier group to assault land bases with, but true carrier vs carrier fights."

 Hoo yeaaa, I could really get into that senerio!!! Will we be able to land on auto?  



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« Reply #6 on: November 09, 1999, 08:12:00 AM »
Imagine: Low on fuel, all your buddies returning for landing, and you in the circuit. You don't have clearance to land, you you have to wait... and sweat it out!

Oh, I forgot! We don't have friendly collisions!

OK, so you are flying CAP over carrier instead. Bring on the Kamikazies!

Or night landings!

Or submarines!


[This message has been edited by -kier- (edited 11-09-1999).]

Offline Mark Luper

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« Reply #7 on: November 09, 1999, 09:09:00 PM »
I think something like Neil said that is done by players would be cool, not drone 47's, but 47's flown by a player to help aleviate a supply problem. Say you capture a base, in the fight for it you destroy their ammo, and fuel. You need to wait for 30 min for it to resupply itself or you can fly a 47 in from a nearby base and resupply it instantly.


Keep the shiny side up!

Neil Reed

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« Reply #8 on: November 10, 1999, 09:34:00 PM »
Yes Mark that might be better, having real pilots flying up to the captured fields, as long as that is going to be somthing that folks are going to want to do. I mean if all supplies come from the home fields and we have many fields captured that is going to be alot of flying time used to resupply. Using real pilots insted of drones should be tried but lets be ready for some complaints.


Neil Reed

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Active Infrastructure
« Reply #9 on: November 10, 1999, 09:45:00 PM »
Think of all the targets that could be incorperated into the sim by having a more active ifrastructure. there would be trainyards near the cities/ factories/ refineries, and with trains there would have to be bridges, if bridges were knocked out then the train would have to stop and repair them befor moving on, the same for trucks and the cargo ships would have to repair docks prior to landing their suplies. All these targets would slow the supply rate and greatly increase playability for both the lone wolfs and the large squads no matter what missions they like to fly.


Offline Jekyll

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« Reply #10 on: November 11, 1999, 06:54:00 AM »
RE: C47 use.  Mark, check out my post "A plea for the C47" in the Aircraft and Vehicles Forum.

And then lets push HT and crew to do it  

C.O. Phoenix Squadron
'feel the heat .......'