Author Topic: It was late '44.  (Read 194 times)

Offline Apache

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It was late '44.
« on: August 08, 2001, 02:50:00 PM »
NM. An apparent waste of time.

[ 08-08-2001: Message edited by: Apache ]

Offline hblair

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It was late '44.
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2001, 05:15:00 PM »
What was this about? Inquiring minds want to know.

Offline Westy MOL

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It was late '44.
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2001, 05:27:00 PM »
Damn. I read about 3/4's of it at work, had to leave, got home and now ya gone darn deleted it  :(

 It was really a good read Apache. Wish you'd kept it up as we need more stories/aar's like these here.
 We have players playing AH but we've still not jelled into a solid community. As there has been (and is) in AW and WB's.
 These go to help, imo.


Offline lazs1

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It was late '44.
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2001, 08:37:00 AM »
apache... i don't know what you posted but I think if you read your "BK rulebook".... In volume 22 page 723 near the bottom you will find "it is against BK policy to delete any message on any BB for any reason."   Don't even tell me you haven't read the entire rulebook yet!

Offline Apache

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« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2001, 08:50:00 AM »
Rule book? Oh, the one that say's "Thou shalt steal all of Lazs' kills", yes I remember.

I quit reading after the above 'cause that sounded like the most fun.

What I deleted was just an AR but with an historical touch to it. I'm still without my system at home after our move and was missing flying above you & diving in once you got their e drained.  :)

Offline Hooligan

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« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2001, 09:55:00 AM »
(PSSSSTTTTT  Apache:  Don't tell lazs but his is the only rulebook that has anything more than the first rule about stealing his kills.)


Offline lazs1

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« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2001, 12:09:00 PM »
Ur not gonna tell me that I paid $1,723.89 for the "complete" 34 volume BK rule book set" for... nothing?   U mean i'm a...a..sucker?   I have been flim flammed by an unscrupulous CO?

Offline Hooligan

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« Reply #7 on: August 09, 2001, 03:21:00 PM »
You still owe me $75.19 for postage.  And last weekend you forget to trim the hedges, but.... you did do a great job on the lawn, keep it up lad!  Once again you have won another star for the cluster on your BK meritorious honor badge.
