Author Topic: DUEL BOOT How to?  (Read 248 times)

Offline ZXMAW

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« on: September 08, 2002, 01:19:39 PM »
So my old puter is just that, old so I buy a new one but I can't avoid preloaded XP at the super stores.
I get it home and set it up to find that my old anolog CH stick, throt and peds don't work with it.  Now I could buy all new stuff or ask you guys how to do  a duel boot.
A few of you know how to do this and if it ain't to much trouble could you explain it? Does it have any side affects and what is the draw off the cpu. Once it's on is it running in the back ground or on the D drive? My search button here in AH bb does not work for some reason. Does anyone elses?

Thank you,

Joe McA

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« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2002, 10:34:12 AM »
Think search has been disabled

Your new PC come with an install CD for XP?

If It does, and you have an install CD for 98...

By far the simplest though most time consuming would be to, wipe the system clean, setup at least 2 partitions on your harddrive.  Then Install 98 in one partition.

Once 98 all installed and tested, install XP and tell it to use the other partition.

This isn't the only way.. but its the best for the less PC literate IMO


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« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2002, 10:39:50 AM »
First off I have a Win Me/Win Xp Pro duel boot system.

A good start is to get 'partition magic 7' or higher if there is one, this allows you to partition your hard drive 'without' reformatting it first, this enables you to change the size of your drives at any time with no hassle or data loss.

This is useful in the future when you start to use one drive less as you just move the unused space on one drive and increase the size of the other, with no hassle, or reformatting etc.

I used partition magic 7 and found it very easy to use as it shows the drive space graphically and you just follow a wizard to do it. simple.

Once it's on is it running in the back ground or on the D drive?

no, when you first boot up you will be given the choice of which OS you want to use, so you still will only have one OS running like normal.

Does it have any side affects and what is the draw off the cpu.

side effectsare minimal but...
say you have drives:

C:Win 98
D: Win Xp

dont use Application programs across the drives.

ex, you have AH installed on C: drive but you open it while you are useing XP on the D: drive this can result in weird stuff happening/corrupting data ex.

so if you wanted to use AH under XP you would 'ALSO' have to install it on D: drive.

so in effect you have doubled the space it takes up on your computer.

Ok tech type stuff.

When you format the drive you will choose one of the following formats either NTFS or FAT32 now.

If you make them both the same you will be able to see both drives but for example you make:

C:Fat 32  Win 98

in this example if you boot up in XP you will see that you have two drives C: and D: and you will be able to get data saved on C: and open it/copy it onto D:

If you boot up in Win 98 you will not be able to see the D: drive. It will be as if its not there.

It you make both drives FAT 32  you will be able to see both ways.

I dont think you can make them both NTFS as WIN 98, Win ME can run on it as they are not NT based OS's like NT4,WIN XP,WIN 2000.
I have both my drives as Fat 32, and my system is very stable and gives me very few probs.

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« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2002, 12:01:17 PM »
Heres a screenshot of my system showing my origonal OS (Me) as a primary drive and my new drive D: Xp as a logical drive, dont make both drives primary as you will have bad probs stuff corrupting all over the place.

As you can see patition magic 7 is easy to use abd you dont have to be a phd level computer nerd to understand it.

If your computer has lots of data on or you just cant be arsed to wipe it all clean and start  again like Skurj said this is really very easy way to partition your harddrive, and then just pop in your OS install disk and when it asks which drive you want to install onto choose the new empty one.

Next time you boot up you'll be given the choice of which OS you want to use.

Another thing to watch out for, when you install updates for programs, vid drivers etc they sometimes default to C: drive which if your useing the D: drive and want to update something on there isn't very useful. So make sure you check the Path before you install stuff just to make sure it goes where you want

Offline ZXMAW

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« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2002, 11:13:44 PM »
WOW BLANK!  your a big help bud. It will all come in handy soon as I find my 98se disk and number. If i have any problems that come up concerning this can i call on ya for any additional information?
 cya all up soon I hope.


Ty blank

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« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2002, 09:59:00 AM »
yep no prob, glad to help   :)